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Course Rationale: It is altogether reasonable to ask why a particular course is required. There is a sense in which this entire syllabus is intended to answer that question, but this course has at least two over-arching intentions. First, an essential skill for all engaged in Christian ministry is the ability to “think theologically.” To think theologically is not merely to be able to appropriate certain proof texts in order to give “biblical” answers to given questions. Rather, it involves the ability to begin to “get our arms around” the biblical message as a canonical whole, to be able to inquire of the biblical narratives in an integrative way, and to be able to develop our answers in a more holistic fashion. Already, we have referenced our ability to properly appropriate the biblical texts, and this brings us to the second over-arching intention: to begin to see the scriptures as organized around certain integrative motifs such as “kingdom.” In this regard, this course integrates theological reflection and biblically informed practice and demonstrates its significance for God’s people.

Publication Date

January 2008


Asbury Theological Seminary


IS, 501, Christian, Formation:, Kingdom, Church, and, World, FA08



IS 501 Christian Formation: Kingdom, Church and World
