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1) Monk, Winslade, Crocket and Epston: Narrative Therapy in Practice: The Archeology of Hope, Jossey Bass. 2) Morgan Alice. What is Narrative Therapy? An easy to read introduction , Adelaide: Australia Dulwich Centre, 2000 3) Wimberly, Edward P. Recalling our own Stories: Spiritual Renewal for Religious Caregivers. CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1997. 4). White C, and Denborough D, Introduction to Narrative Therapy: A collection of practice-based writings. Adelaide:Australia Dulwich Centre, 2000 5) White, Michael. Reflections on Narrative Practices: Essays and Interviews Adelaide:Australia Dulwich Centre, 2000 6). When you get to the site (article), click on Introduction and the whole article will show. You can read it there or download etc. The title of the article is: Unexpected Journey: Invitation to Diversity. By Dean Lobovits and John Prowell. 7).Mucherera T. N. Narrative Counseling from a Non-Western Perspective. Forthcoming article for publication to be presented at the Therapeutic Conversation conference (May 6th 2004). This article is in the Mucherera lecture powerpoint folder.
Publication Date
January 2004
Asbury Theological Seminary
Summer, 1, Kentucky, CO520, Narrative