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Weekly reading as assigned from the following: William Sydnor, The Prayer Book through the Ages (Morehouse, 1997) Leonel L. Mitchell, Praying Shapes Believing (Morehouse, 1991) Marion J. Hatchett, Commentary on the American Prayer Book (Harper, 1995) Other published materials as listed weekly Websites as listed weekly: students are asked to print out some of the online materials; these should be collected in a folder cumulatively and brought each week for reference during class discussion [Some students may wish an overview of Anglican history such as can be found briefly surveyed in the first two essays by William P. Haugaard and Perry Butler in The Study of Anglicanism, pp. 3-51 (rev. edn., ed. Stephen Sykes, John Booty, & Jonathan Knight Fortress Press, 1998)] Two readings in spirituality & a brief 500-word paper: due April 6 Martin Thornton, English Spirituality: An Outline of Ascetical Theology according to the English Pastoral Tradition (SPCK & Cowley, 1963 & 1986), chapters 1 and 19-22 A. M. Allchin, “Anglican Spirituality” in The Study of Anglicanism, pp. 351-364 Paper topic: What elements of anglican spirituality does Allchin include in his essay that Thornton does not discuss in the lengthier assigned chapters of his book?
Publication Date
January 2004
Asbury Theological Seminary
Anglican, Florida, CH650, Spring