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Braum, Theodore A., (1999), Perspectives on Cuba and its People, Friendship Press, National Council of Churches, NY. 138 pages. 800/889-5733. Cañizares, Raúl. Cuban Santería. Inner Traditions Intl Ltd; ISBN: 0892817623. 160 pages Updated edition (March 1, 1999). Cuba/Florida Covenant Task Force, Florida Conference United Methodist Church (revised 2003) Guidelines for the Cuba/Florida Covenant Task Force, 73 pages. Available for purchase in the bookstore in Wilmore and from James Loftin’s assistant in Florida. GO Prepared. Videotape training program produced by Teams Commissioned for Christ International, Inc. 1999. Six thirty-minute sessions count as 150 pages of reading. On reserve in the Wilmore and Orlando libraries. Jatar-Hausmann, Ana Julia (1999), The Cuban Way: Capitalism, Communism and Confrontation, Kumarian Press, 184 pages. Lanier, Sarah A. Foreign to Familiar. Hagerstown, MD: McDougal Publishing, 2000. 128 pages. 800/962-3684. Open Doors. Cuba for Christ: The Amazing Revival. A Sovereign World International Booklet published in co-operation with Open Doors, 1999. 40 pages. 800/659-5965. Russell, Gary. The Role of the Short-term and Church-based Ministries. 40 minute audio tape counts as 30 pages of reading. On reserve in ATS libraries in Kentucky and Florida. Wingeier-Rayo, Philip Douglas (1998), Masters Thesis-- A Comparative Analysis Between the Wesleyan Revival in 18th Century England and the Revival in the Methodist Church in Cuba. Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary Library. Evanston, IL. 92 pp. Available for purchase in the bookstore in Wilmore and from James Loftin’s assistant in Florida.
Publication Date
January 2004
Asbury Theological Seminary
Florida, Cuba, Methodist, January, MW685