
Lester Ruth



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What the Student Needs for This Course: Required “Texts” and Other Items •A CD set (three CDs) to be checked out from the library reserve desk for the semester. Contact ExL support (type that in the address line of an email in First Class) if you have any difficulties running these. If you have trouble running the digitized video on the CDs, make sure you have Quicktime 6 or higher installed on your computer. It is available on the CDs. When running the CDs, turn up the sound on your computer’s speakers beforehand. The sound quality on some videos is marginal. CD #1 contains the material for the two Touchstone Churches. These churches are semi-fictitious congregations that we will use for assignments and discussion. See below for more information. CD #2 contains the material for modules #1 (Story) and #2 (Week). The materials for module #1 are all short lecture segments. #2 has lectures and a video clip of a worship service. CD #3 contains the material for modules #3 (Year), #4 (Day), and #5 (Pastoral Rites). The first two modules have both lecture and worship videos. The last only has lecture video. Please note that these CDs are the property of the seminary and must be returned at the end of the semester. Copyrighted materials on the CDs are only for your use as a student in this course. They should not be distributed more widely. •Two books and one course packet to be purchased. These are available in the Cokesbury bookstores serving the respective campuses: --Hickman, Hoyt, et al. The New Handbook of the Christian Year. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1992. ISBN 0-687-22760-4 --Blain, Susan A. et al., editors. Imaging the Word: An Arts and Lectionary Resource, volume 2. Cleveland: United Church Press, 1995. ISBN 0-8298-1033-1 --course packet The bookstore should also have available a very nice artistic poster representing the entire Church year. It is called the Year of Grace Poster Calendar 2004. The ISBN is 1-56854-416-2. This is a recommended acquisition, not a required one. •Something to keep as a journal as you devotionally use Charles Wesley’s Hymns for the Great Festivals (available on the course website) and the book entitled Imaging the Word. More information is given below. •Clean paper and writings instruments in each class will also be helpful. A laptop might be as useful. Sometimes we might stop during class so that I can have you write out a short reply to a prompt before we continue in discussion. •Materials for practicing Communion and baptism in class: Plate and cup, a white cloth approximately 1.5 feet by 1.5 feet, a baby doll, towel, a large and small bowl

Publication Date

January 2004


Asbury Theological Seminary


Worship, Fall, Florida, WO525



WO 525 Time and Remembrance in Christian Worship
