
Mark J. Hatcher



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BS 650 Tutorial: Biblical Study & Formation in Mission, MI 740 Tutorial: Biblical Study & Formation in Mission


Required Textbooks Bradshaw, Bruce 2002 Change Across Cultures: A Narrative Approach to Social Transformation. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House Co. Brown, Gillian and George Yule 1983 Discourse Analysis. Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.. Donovon, Vincent 1978 Christianity Rediscovered. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books. Snyder, Howard 1995 EarthCurrents: The Struggle for the World’s Soul. Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press. Zahniser, A. H. Mathias 1997 Symbol and Ceremony: Making Disciples Across Cultures. Innovations in Mission. Monrovia, CA: MARC. Course Packet (and/or online reserves) containing required readings from selected works listed under Required Reading. Required Reading (Tentative list) Bosch, David J. 1991 Transforming Mission: Paradigm Shifts in Theology of Mission. American Society of Missiology Series, No. 16. Pp. 420-457. Chang, Peter S. C. 1984 “Steak, Potatoes, Peas and Chopsuey: Linear and Non-Linear Thinking.” In Missions & Theological Education in World Perspective. Pp. 113-123. Harvie M. Conn and Samuel F. Rowen, eds. Farmington, MI: Associates of Urbanus. Dodd, Carley H. 1998 Dynamics of Intercultural Communication. 5th ed. Boston, MA: McGraw Hill. Pp. 2-18. Dyrness, Willam A. 1985 “How Does the Bible Function in the Christian Life?” In The Use of the Bible in Theology: Evangelical Options. Robert K. Johnston, Ed. Pp. 159-174. Atlatnta, GA: John Know Press. Gilliland, Dean 2000 “Contextualization.” In Evangelical Dictionary of World Missions. A. Scott Moreau, Ed. Pp. 225-227. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books. Goldingay, John 2000 “Biblical Narrative and Systematic Theology.” In Between Two Horizons: Spanning New Testament Studies and Systematic Theology. Joel B. Green and Max Turner, Eds. Pp. 123-142. Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. Green, Joel B. 1995 “Discourse Analysis and New Testament Interpretation.” In Hearing the New Testament: Strategies for Interpretation. Joel B. Green, Ed. Pp. 175- 196. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company. Hatcher, Mark J. 2001 “Poetry, Singing, and Contextualization.” Missiology: An International Review. 29(4):475-487. Hiebert, Paul G. 1987 “Critical Contextualization.” International Bulletin of Missionary Research 11(3):104-111. 1988 “Metatheology: The Step Beyond Contextualization.” In Reflection and Projection: Missiology at the Threshold of 2001. Festschrift in Honor of George W. Peters for his Eightieth Birthday. Hans Kasdorf / Klaus W. Muller, Eds. Pp. 383-395. Verlag der Liebenzeller Mission: Bad Liebenzell. 1997 “Conversion and Worldview Transformation.” International Journal of Frontier Missions. 14(2):83-86. Hiebert, Paul G., R. Daniel Shaw, Tite Tiénou 1999 “Responding to Split-Level Christianity and Folk Religion.” International Journal of Frontier Missions. 16(4):173-182. Küng, Hans 1965 "The Charismatic Structure of the Church." In The Church and Ecumenism. Hans Kung, ed. Pp. 41-61. New York: Paulist Press. McKinney, Lois 1993 “Missionaries in the Twenty-First Century: Their Nature, Their Nurture, Their Mission.” Missiology: An International Review. 21(1):55-64. Mesters, Carlos 1995 “The Parable of the Door.” In God, Where Are You?: Rediscovering the Bible. Pp. 241-249. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books. Nichols, J. Randall 1985 “Worship as Anti-Structure: The Contribution of Victor Turner.” Theology Today. 41(4):401-407. Paden, William E. 1994 Religious Worlds: The Comparative Study of Religion. Boston, MA: Beacon Press. Pp. 51-65. Shaw, R. Daniel 2000 “Ritual and Ceremony.” In Evangelical Dictionary of World Missions. A. Scott Moreau, Ed. P. 836. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books. Thomas, Nancy 2002 “Weaving the Words: The Book of Ruth as Missiologically Effective Communication.” Missiology: An International Review. 30(2):155-169. Thompson, David L. 1996 “Women, Men, Slaves and the Bible: Hermeneutical Inquiries.” Christian Scholar’s Review 25(3):326-349. Turner, Victor 1969 The Ritual Process: Structure and Anti-Structure. New York: Aldine De Gruyter. Pp. 94-106, 125-130. Weerstra, Judy 1999 “Rediscovering the Sacred.” International Journal of Frontier Missions. 16(3):135-140. Wheeler, Ray 2002 “The Legacy of Shoki Coe.” International Bulletin of Missionary Research 26(2):77-80. Whiteman, Darrell L. 1997 “Contextualization: The Theory, the Gap, the Challenge.” International Bulletin of Missionary Research. 21 (1): 2-7.

Publication Date

January 2004


Asbury Theological Seminary


Kentucky, MS650, MI740, January, BS650, Mission



MS 650 Tutorial: Biblical Study and Formation in Mission
