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REQUIRED TEXTBOOKS Bettenson, Henry. Documents of the Christian Church. (Oxford paperback, second ed.). This is a record of crucial letters and texts of official church proclamations that shaped the direction of church leadership in the history of the church. Gonzalez, Justo, The Story of Christianity, Volume I (Abingdon; paper ed.) [for use in elaborating theological developments at crucial junctures] Irvin, Dale, and Sunquist, Scott, eds., History of the World Christian Movement (Earliest Christianity to 1453), (Orbis, 2001). (abbreviated HWCM) [main secondary textbook] Kerr, Hugh T., ed. Readings in Christian Thought. (Abingdon paper ed.). A concise collection of selected texts illustrating style and message of major writiers in the history of Christian thought (through the modern era). Note: the first and fourth texts will be used through the second semester. Collateral texts: Rand McNally Historical Atlas of the World (paperback ed.)
Publication Date
January 2005
Asbury Theological Seminary
Kentucky, Fall, CH501