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"Art thou halting on the heavenward road, my brother, carefully weighing the cost of a life of service, unwilling to come to the Lord, lest he should choose thee as a laborer in his vineyard? .... And Jesus of Nazareth sends a message to thee too, my sister! Thou, who dost recognize his power; thou, who dost secretly love him in thy heart, and yet dost dread to take the step that will place thee as his acknowledged disciple before the world. ... Fix thine eye upon the Cross, and forget thyself in the sight of thy bleeding Saviour. "He giveth powel to the faint; and to them that have no mignt he increaseth strength." "
New Series;33
Publication Date
November 2011
salvation, healing, fear, ambassador
Late 19th century Methodist Episcopal tract, New Series, on issues of the day. This tract, No. 33, was written by the author of "Nellie's New-Year Vision" . Old URL: