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Were Christ and His Apostles Annihilations, and Did They Teach Materialism?
These are but a small number of the texts which refute the materialism advocated by annihilationists. Who so blind as not to see that, if annihilationists have the truth, Christ and his apostles were sadly deficient as teachers of their doctrine? Or rather, who cannot see that their doctrine is glaringly false, and that Christ and the apostles taught no such opinions; but, on the other hand, were teachers of the compound nature of man and the endless suffering of the ungodly? Were the materialists of the present age to adopt the same method of instruction that the Saviour did, would they ever propagate their doctrine? Never!
Doctrinal Series;8
Publication Date
August 2011
annihilationists, materialism
Late 19th century Methodist Episcopal tract, Doctrinal Series. Old URL: http://ecommons.asburyseminary.edu/xmlui/handle/10910/17286