Creation Date
November 2009
Inauguration service in Estes Chapel for President Timothy Tennent, eighth president of Asbury Theological Seminary. Photographs of of the processional. D004: Dexter Porter as crucifer (Director of Physical Plant, Administration) (2592x3872). D005: Jeanette Jones (Academic Advisor) placing Bible on altar (2592x3872). D139: Dexter Porter as crucifer (3947x2631). D249: bringing in the light (3936x2624). D262: Dexter Porter as crucifer (2682x4023). D263: Jeanette Jones carrying the Bible (1925x2888).
President Timothy Tennent;D004-D005; D139; D249; D262-D263
President, Timothy, ATS, Eighth, eighth, inauguration, Seminary, Theological, Asbury, Tennent, Procession, 8th