Content Posted in 2013
Maldwyn Lloyd Edwards and Frank Stanger, 1966 Ministers Conference
Man and Carriage, Bulawayo, A. Rowland
Man and Sin in the Perspective of Biblical Theology, Fred D. Layman
Manipulation of tatari by Japanese religions and missiological responses to it, Yukimasa Otomo
Man of God Award in CA, J. C. McPheeters and Gordon Gordon
Man of God Award in CA, J. C. McPheeters and Gordon Gordon
Man's Gift to God, Rev Adolphe Monod
Manual for missionary candidates : and for appointed missionaries before entering their fields, Rev. ed, American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions
Manual for missionary candidates of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions., American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions.
Maranatha Bible Conference, Muskeegon, Michigan
Maranatha Bible Conference, Muskeegon, Michigan
Maranatha Bible Conference, Muskeegon, Michigan
Maranatha Bible Conference, Muskeegon, Michigan
Maranatha Bible Conference, Muskeegon, Michigan
Maranatha Bible Conference, Muskeegon, Michigan
Maranatha Bible Conference, Muskeegon, Michigan
Maranatha Bible Conference, Muskeegon, Michigan
Maranatha Bible Conference, Muskeegon, Michigan
Maranatha Bible Conference, Muskeegon, Michigan
Maranatha, even so, come, Lord Jesus, come, Robert Julian Stamps
Marathons vs. relays, James L. Garlow
March 01, 2007 - Kingdom Conference by Frank Reynosa, Frank Reynosa
March 06, 2008 - Theta Phi Lecture 1 by Francis Watson, Francis Watson
March 07, 2008 - Theta Phi Lecture 2 by Francis Watson, Francis Watson
March 21, 2006 - Freitas Lectures by Kendra Creasy Dean, Kendra Creasy Dean
March 21, 2006 - Freitas Lectures pm by Kendra Creasy Dean, Kendra Creasy Dean
March 22, 2006 - Freitas Lectures by Kendra Creasy Dean, Kendra Creasy Dean
March 22, 2011 - Ministry Conference Chapel by Andy Crouch, Andy Crouch
March 30, 2006 - Eta Beta Rho Lecture by Victor Hamilton, Victor P. Hamilton
Marcion's ghost: a relentless presence in the heart of the Catholic mass, Edward A. Lemerise
Mardelle Stanger holding up a lamp that was a farewell gift
Mardelle Stanger holding up a lamp that was a farewell gift
Mardelle Stanger receiving a plaque in her honor, Spring, 1977
Mardelle Stanger receiving a plaque in her honor, Spring, 1977
Marital status and change outcomes among participants in Exodus ministries, Alex W. Kwee
Marks of the authentic preacher, Donald E. Demaray
Mark's use of Malachi in his gospel repertoire, Alistair Roy Turkington
Marriage of God, mission of God: a missiological paradigm based in the church as the bride of Christ bearing seed and producing fruit, Leroy H. Leach Jr.
Marriage preparation law and its practice in the Diocese of Erie, Christopher J. Singer
Marshall, Commissioner Norman S.
Marshall, Commissioner Norman S.
Martin Heidegger's concept of truth in Being and Time, John R. Fitzpatrick
Martin Luther's doctrine of the two kingdoms: cultural defeatism or theonomic reconstructionism, Sang Hyun Woo
Masterman, Betty, organist at a CHA convention (04-22-1986)
Masterman, Betty, organist at a CHA convention (04-22-1986)
Master plan for staffing, Dale E. Galloway
Materiality in the anthropology of Karl Rahner, Ivan Sibalic
Matthew 18:15-- sin against whom?, Garrett Mathis
Matthew 24: the destruction of Jerusalem or the end of history?, Jason S. Longstreth
Matthew 5:13-16 and the missional emphasis of the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew, Eric W. Zeller
"Matthew and Empire:" a critical analysis of the work of Warren Carter, Gideon Park
Maxie Dunnam introducing Jeff and Beth Greenway as his successor
Maxie Dunnam introducing Jeff and Beth Greenway as his successor (2)
Maxie Dunnam praying for Jeff and Beth Greenway
Maxwell, Rev. John giving Christian Holiness Association seminar
Maxwell, Rev. John giving Christian Holiness Association seminar
Mayor Hugh Sims giving inauguration greetings
Mayor Hugh Sims giving inauguration greetings
McPheeters, J. C. receiving Holiness Exponent Award from Bishop Henry Ginder
McPheeters, J. C. receiving Holiness Exponent Award from Bishop Henry Ginder
ME501: Servant as Evangelist, Sam Kamaleson
ME501: Servant as Evangelist, Alan Walker
Measuring change: the need to quantify transformation in the context of Christian education, Jeremy M. Wallace
Medine Keener - Asbury Herald Shoot, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Medine Keener - Asbury Herald Shoot 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Medine Keener - Asbury Herald Shoot 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Medine Keener - Asbury Herald Shoot 4, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Medine Keener - Asbury Herald Shoot 5, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Medine Keener - Asbury Herald Shoot 6, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Medine Keener Reading a Journal, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Medine Keener Reading a Journal - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Medine Keener Reading a Journal - 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Medine Keener Reading a Journal - 4, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Medine Keener Reading a Journal - 5, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Medine Keener Reading a Journal - 6, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Medine Keener Reading a Journal - 7, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Medine Keener Reading a Journal - 8, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Medine Keener Reading a Journal - 9, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Medine Keener's Journals, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Medine Keener's Journals, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Medine Keener's Journals - 10, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Medine Keener's Journals - 11, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Medine Keener's Journals - 12, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Medine Keener's Journals - 13, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Medine Keener's Journals - 14, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Medine Keener's Journals - 15, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Medine Keener's Journals - 16, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Medine Keener's Journals - 17, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Medine Keener's Journals - 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Medine Keener's Journals - 4, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Medine Keener's Journals - 5, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Medine Keener's Journals - 6, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Medine Keener's Journals - 7, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Medine Keener's Journals - 8, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Medine Keener's Journals - 9, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Medine Keener's Journals (TIF), Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Medine Keener's Journals (TIF) 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Meditation and Prayer for the Persecuted Church, Joseph Okello
Melchizedek in Hebrews 7: a critical assessment of the alleged use of extra-biblical Melchizedek tradition(s) in the epistle to the Hebrews, Phillip David Strickland
Membership decline crise and proposed solutions for retention in the Central Congo United Methodist Church, Esaho Lokombe Kipuke
Memorial service for Bob Lyon and Mark Hatcher, John David Walt
Men associated with Iowa Wesleyan Methodist Conference Camp Meeting
Men associated with Iowa Wesleyan Methodist Conference Camp Meeting
Mentoring first response interim ministers: foundations for pastoring grieving congregations, Edith Anderson Gause
Mentoring groups of selected Christian lay people in spiritual formation as the foundation of New York Evangelism in Dresden, Germany, Charlotte Frei
Mentoring new believers at Woodland Park Baptist Church, Hammond, Louisiana, in the basics of spiritual formation, Pierre P. Charpentier
Mephibosheth, God bless you, Eric Kieb
Mercy and sacrifice, John David Walt
Merging the collegiate generation into the worship life of Pillar Church through collaborative planning, Christopher J. De Vos
Meshing the old and the new, William H. Hinson
Messiah sing-along, 2002, Asbury Theological Seminary
Messiah sing-along, 2003, Asbury Theological Seminary
Methodist Bicentennial Circuit Riders Bill Richardson and Charles Covington
Methodist Bicentennial Circuit Riders Bill Richardson and Charles Covington
Methodist Camp Meeting in India, 1977
Methodist Camp Meeting in India, 1977
Methodist Camp Meeting in India, 1977
Methodist Camp Meeting in India, 1977
Methodist Camp Meeting in India, 1977
Methodist Camp Meeting in India, 1977
Methodist Camp Meeting in India, 1977
Methodist Camp Meeting in India, 1977
Methodist Camp Meeting in India, 1977
Methodist Camp Meeting in India, 1977
Methodist Camp Meeting in India, 1977
Methodist Camp Meeting in India, 1977
Methodist Camp Meeting in India, 1977
Methodist Camp Meeting in India, 1977
Methodist Camp Meeting in India, 1977
Methodist Camp Meeting in India, 1977
Methodist Camp Meeting in India, 1977
Methodist Camp Meeting in India, 1977
Methodist Camp Meeting in India, 1977
Methodist Camp Meeting in India, 1977
Methodist Camp Meeting in India, 1977
Methodist Camp Meeting in India, 1977
Methodist Camp Meeting in India, 1977
Methodist Camp Meeting in India, 1977
Methodist Camp Meeting in India, 1977
Methodist Camp Meeting in India, 1977
Methodist Camp Meeting in India, 1977
Methodist Camp Meeting in India, 1977
Methodist Camp Meeting in India, 1977
Methodist Camp Meeting in India, 1977
Methodist Camp Meeting in India, 1977
Methodist Camp Meeting in India, 1977
Methodist Camp Meeting in India, 1977
Methodist Camp Meeting in India, 1977
Methodist Camp Meeting in India, 1977
Methodist Camp Meeting in India, 1977
Methodist Camp Meeting in India, 1977
Methodist Camp Meeting in India, 1977
Methodist Camp Meeting in India, 1977
Methodist Camp Meeting in India, 1977
Methodist Camp Meeting in India, 1977
Methodist shillelaghs: the role of the Irish in early American Methodism, Mark R. Mander
Metodologia para el desarrollo del caracter de los miembros de la Primera Iglesia Bautista de Orlando, Florida, Fernando Ramon Abella Mora
Michael Kehke of the U.S.S. Oregon
Michalko, Thomas John receiving MDiv in a special ceremony at ATS
Michalko, Thomas John receiving MDiv in a special ceremony at ATS
Mid 20th century photo of man identified only by his surname Dunaway
Mid 20th century photo of man identified only by his surname Dunaway
Middle-aged H.C. Morrison portrait
Middle-aged H.C. Morrison portrait
Middler class chapel, 2002, Anthony J. Headley
Miller, Commissioner Andrew S. of the Salvation Army
Miller, Commissioner Andrew S. of the Salvation Army
Miller, Commissioner Andrew S. of the Salvation Army
Miller, Commissioner Andrew S. of the Salvation Army
Miller, Major Ernest A. of the Salvation Army
Miller, Major Ernest A. of the Salvation Army
Miller, Major Ralph I. of the Salvation Army
Miller, Major Ralph I. of the Salvation Army
Miller, Mrs. Mary, wife of Major Ernest Miller of the Salvation Army
Miller, Mrs. Mary, wife of Major Ernest Miller of the Salvation Army
Minimizing conflict: implementing change in an established church, Douglas W. Axtell
Ministerial Education, Bostwick Hawley
Ministering to biracial children: a discovery project of the spiritual, emotional, intellectual, and physical needs and experiences of biracial children at the Bethany Baptist Church in Elyria, Ohio, J. Howard Timmons Sr.
Ministering to Homosexuality, Janet B. Dean
Ministering to the minister's wife: preparation for life in the pastorate, Sheryl D. Trefsgar
Ministering to the Shepherd: a guide for when terminal illness strikes the pastor's family, William D. Page
Ministers' Conference, David L. McKenna
Ministers' Conference 2002 - Illuminating Culture: Creating a Servant Community pt. 2, Mary Fisher
Ministers' Conference 2002 - Illuminating Culture: Creating a Servant Community pt. 3, Mary Fisher
Ministers' Conference 2002 - Illuminating Culture: Creating a Servant Community pt. 4, Mary Fisher
Ministers' Conference 2002 - Illuminating Culture: Holiness, revival, & and the Great Commission (tape 3), Robert Emerson Coleman
Ministers Conference "A Heart for God" part 1, C. Reginald Johnson
Ministers Conference: "A Heart For God" part 2, C. Reginald Johnson
Ministers Conference "A Heart for God" part 3, Richard Smith
Ministers Conference "A Heart for God" part 4, Richard Smith
Ministers Conference "A Heart for God" part 5, J. Steven Harper
Ministers Conference "A Heart for God" part 6, Richard Smith
Ministers Conference "A Heart for God" part 7, J. Steven Harper
Ministers' Conference: A New Look At Psalms part 1, David L. Thompson
Ministers' Conference: A New Look At Psalms part 2, David L. Thompson
Ministers' Conference: A New Look At Psalms part 3, David L. Thompson
Ministers' Conference: A New Look At Psalms part 5, David L. Thompson
Ministers' Conference: Communion Service, J. Steven Harper
Ministers' Conference "General Session", Maxie D. Dunnam
Ministers' Conference: General session, Maxie D. Dunnam
Ministers' Conference: General Session, David L. McKenna
Ministers Conference: General Session #5, David L. McKenna
Ministers' Conference: Generation XYZ- reaching the next generation, John Edgar Caterson
Ministers' Conference: Generation XYZ- reaching the next generation, John Edgar Caterson
Ministers' Conference: "Healing for Adolescents" Part 1, Donald M. Joy
Ministers' Conference: "Healing for Adolescents" Part 2, Donald M. Joy
Ministers' Conference: "Healing for Adolescents" Part 3, Donald M. Joy
Ministers' Conference: "Healing for Adolescents" Part 4, Donald M. Joy
Ministers' Conference: "Healing for Adolescents" Part 5, Donald M. Joy
Ministers' Conference - "Healing for Adolescents" - Part 6, Donald M. Joy
Ministers' Conference: "Healing for Adolescents" Part 7, Donald M. Joy
Ministers' Conference: "Healing for Adolescents" Part 8, Donald M. Joy
Ministers' Conference - Illuminating Culture: His Banner Over Me Is Love (tape 2), Stephen A. Seamands
Ministers' Conference - Illuminating Culture: Leadership With a Purpose (Tape 1), Dave E. Galloway
Ministers' Conference - Illuminating Culture: Leadership With a Purpose (Tape 2), Dave E. Galloway
Ministers' Conference - Illuminating Culture: Leadership With a Purpose (Tape 3), Dale E. Galloway
Ministers' Conference - Illuminating Culture: Revival, Holiness and Commission (tape 1), Robert Emerson Coleman
Ministers' Conference - Illuminating culture: Worship 7PM, Cynthia Hale
Ministers' Conference: Knowing God and Making Him Known (tape 5, disc 1), Allan Coppedge
Ministers Conference - Paul Reese, Frank Stanger with 2 unidentified men
Ministers Conference - Paul Reese, Frank Stanger with 2 unidentified men
Ministers' Conference: "Preaching on Revelation" (tape 2 disc 1), M. Robert Mulholland
Ministers' Conference: "Preaching on Revelation" (tape 2 disc 2), M. Robert Mulholland
Ministers' Conference: "The Heart of Youth Ministry" part 2, Hule Goddard
Ministers' Conference - Why not?: renewal of the minister, David L. McKenna
Ministry coaching: a means of leadership development, Darrell Asche
Ministry Conference: 3PM Service, Margaret Therkelsen
Ministry in a pluralistic setting: developing an effective philosophy of ministry for military chaplain candidates, Richard Hugh Ryan Jr.
Ministry in pilgrimage, Dennis M. Campbell
Ministry is a feminine noun, J. Ellsworth Kalas
Ministry to Adult Seminar, part 1, James W. Fowler
Ministry to Adult Seminar, part 2, James W. Fowler
Ministry to Adult Seminar, part 3, James W. Fowler
Ministry to Adult Seminar, part 4, James W. Fowler
Ministry to Adult Seminar, part 5, James W. Fowler
Minnie's Story to the Jail Chaplain
Miraculous accommodation, otherworldly holiness: Gregory the Great's adaptation for medieval conversion, Gregory Lawrence Thiessen
Missiological case studies of evangelizing older people in Toronto, Canada, James Wai Yin Pang
Missional multi-generational churches: how to maximize the traits of multi-generational churches for mission, Richard E. Stapleton
Mission and postmodernity, Darrell Whiteman
Missionary Conference November, 1976
Missionary Conference November, 1976
Missionary self-identification in Muslim contexts, Paul A. Williamson
Missionary spirituality in a multi-cultural congregation: liberative spirituality for a new partnership, Thomas Seungwon Nam
Mission Experiential Education for Social Action, David E. Fenrick
Mission of marriage: the key to world peace, Judith Ann Keefe
Mission of the Crystal Cathedral, Robert Harold Schuller
Missions in Japan, Dr. Dyer
Missions : question and answer session, Eugene A. Nida
Mister Horn Preaches on the Great Hurt
Mobilizing laity to do evangelism in the local church, part 1, William Hinson
Mobilizing laity to do evangelism in the local church, part 2, William H. Hinson
Mobilizing laity to do evangelism in the local church, part 3, William H. Hinson
Mobilizing laity to do evangelism in the local church, part 4, William H. Hinson
Mock Ordination Board part1, ATS
Mock Ordination Board part2, ATS
Mock Ordination Board part3, ATS
Model of a missionary parish in relation to the Society of Divine Word identity and charism, Tam Nguyen
Models of discipleship in Mark and for the Catholic Church in China, Zhongxue Chen
Modern (major) challenges and new strategies for evangelical theological education in India with special reference to Bethel Bible College distance theological education program, Philip Samuel Palackatharayil
Modern Pretensions to Apostlical Succession, Rev Henry Bleby
Modern Spiritualism Briefly Tested By Scripture, Algernon James Pollock
Monastic friendship in the late twelfth century: a critical study of Aelred's De Spiritali Amicitia, Kenneth Ki Kit Chu
Monotheism and the sons of God in Deuteronomy 32, Pau Z. Khup
Monroe Parker and Family after the Spring 2011 Graduation, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Monroe Parker and Family after the Spring 2011 Graduation - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Monroe Parker and Family after the Spring 2011 Graduation - 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Monroe Parker and Stanley John at the Spring 2011 Graduation, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Monroe Parker Hugging Dr. Anne Gatobu after the Spring 2011 Graduation, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Monroe Parker on the Platform at the Spring 2011 Graduation, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Montague Goodman at Cape Town Wedding, A. Rowland
Morrison Administration Building
Morrison Administration Building
Morrison Administration Building
Morrison Administration Building
Morrison Administration Building
Morrison Administration Building
Morrison Administration Building
Morrison Administration Building
Morrison Administration Building
Morrison Administration Building
Morrison Administration Building
Morrison Administration Building
Morrison Administration Building
Morrison Administration Building
Morrison Administration Building
Morrison Administration Building
Morrison Administration Building
Morrison Administration Building
Morrison Administration Building
Morrison Administration Building
Morrison Administration Building
Morrison Administration Building
Morrison Administration Building
Morrison Hall and Estes Chapel
Morrison Hall and Estes Chapel
Motivating staff to mission-- an analysis of church staff team leadership, Owen L. Tarantino
Mourning without the body: pastoral care and support to people grieving in isolation, Joseph M. Kimatu
Moving ecclesial leaders toward self-differentiation, Joe W. Warren
Moyse Amyraut's Six Sermons: directions for Amyrauldian studies, Matthew Paul Harmon
Mr. Bill Tillmann - Headshot, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Mr. Bill Tillmann - Headshot 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Mr. Bill Tillmann - Headshot 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Mrs. Mary Failor Barrett, J. C. McPheeters, Martha R. Jones, 1965
Mrs. Mary Failor Barrett, J. C. McPheeters, Martha R. Jones, 1965
Mrs. William G. McPheeters with her children.
Mrs. William G. McPheeters with her children.
Mt. Vernon Nazarene College Choir
Mt. Vernon Nazarene College Choir
Multiplication of pastor-to-pastor prayer cells in Spokane for the purpose of spiritual revival and awakening, John S. Repsold
Multiplying the messengers: discovering and equipping local missionaries for local missions, Gordon Mills
Mutuality in ministry: a means of congregational revitalization, David A. Kirk
My Dead Mother, Rev A M Goodnough
My First Drink and My Last, S. H. Hadley
My heart is ready, Eugene H. Peterson
Nancy Dumas, Karen Thomas, and John McNairy at the Kalas Village Dedication, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Nancy Dumas, Karen Thomas, and John McNairy at the Kalas Village Dedication - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
National Christian radio and the local church: the church growth principles from Donald McGavran inform evangelical priorities, Larry Dean Nobles
Native American Worship, Ray Aldred
Natural law and natural rights in the philosophy of Jacques Maritain, Brandon Elliott Macadaeg
Nazarene Publishing House and Headquarters
Nazarene Publishing House and Headquarters
Nelson, Colonel Emil of the Salvation Army
Nelson, Colonel Emil of the Salvation Army
New Air Force chaplains and counseling preparedness: Lackland Air Force Base as a case study, Robert W. Wido Jr.
Newborn bards: a theology of preaching for Unitarian Universalists, Matthew Johnson-Doyle
New covenant spirituality: walking in the new covenant with the Spirit (Gal. 5:13-25), Steve Loosley
New Directions in Transformational Development, Stephen Offutt
New Life, Sue Nicholson
New life in the Andes: rural Quechua lay leadership development, Willis George Haugen Jr.
New Life in the Pulpit (part 1 disc 1), J. Ellsworth Kalas
New Life in the Pulpit (part 1 disc 2), J. Ellsworth Kalas
New Life in the Pulpit (part 2 disc 1), J. Ellsworth Kalas
New Life in the Pulpit (part 2 disc 2), J. Ellsworth Kalas
New Room, Ken Boyd
New Room Pulpit, Ken Boyd
New Student Orientation, Sandra Richter
New Testament proclamation: Christocentric or multifaceted, Alan Francis Miller
Nietzsche, Jesus, and the feeling of power, Bryan McCarthy
No Burdens Allowed to Pass Through
No Guts, No Glory, Nicole Sims
No longer strangers: preaching to an Anglo/Hispanic community, Dennis C. Woerter
Nonevidentialism, pluralism, and warrant: Plantinga, Hick, and the epistemological challenge of religious diversity, David Cramer
Nonformal pastoral ministry training in the majority world: four case studies, John M. Balmer Jr.
No room for neutrality, Tite Tienou
November 05, 2002 - Ryan Lectures - What Does It Mean to Be Human by Patrick Miller, Patrick Miller
November 06, 2007 - Ryan Lectures by Bill Dembski, Bill Dembski
November 07, 2007 - Ryan Lectures by Bill Dembski, Bill Dembski
November 14, 2006 - Ryan Lectures - The Servant of God - Then and Now, Part 1 by Hugh Williamson, Hugh Williamson
November 15, 2006 - Ryan Lectures - The Servant of God - Then and Now, Part 2 by Hugh Williamson, Hugh Williamson
Now!, Rev George W James
NSO chapel, Rob Holifield
Nurturing spiritual and leadership formation among lay leaders at Bethany Baptist Church of Christ through a small spiritual formation group, Brenda J. Little
Oakland Peniel Mission and Rehabiliation Center
Oakland Peniel Mission and Rehabiliation Center
October 02, 2007 - Theta Phi Lecture 1 by Michael Pasquarello III, Michael Pasquarello
October 02, 2008 - Theta Phi Lectures - Evangelicals and Catholics Together, Part 2 by David Hunter, David Hunter
October 03, 2006 - Theta Phi Lectures - The Iraq War as a Case Study - Just War Theory by Jerry Walls, Jerry L. Walls
October 04, 2005 - Theta Phi Lecture I - Christianity and Islam by Steve Tsoukalas, Steven Tsoukalas
October 04, 2007 - Theta Phi Lecture 2 by Michael Slaughter, Michael Slaughter
October 05, 2006 - Theta Phi Lectures - The Iraq War as a Case Study - Pacifism by Chuck Gutenson, Chuck Gutenson
October 06, 2005 - Theta Phi Lecture II - Christianity and Islam by Terry Muck, Terry Muck
October 11, 1991 - Theta Phi Forum by Robert Lyon, Stephen Seamands, Robert William Lyon
October 17, 2006 - Kingdom Conference - Strangers Welcoming Strangers by Christine Pohl, Christine D. Pohl
October 18, 2005 - Kingdom Conference - Waiting in Eager Expectation by Howard Snyder, Howard A. Snyder
October 18, 2006 - Kingdom Conference - Borders and the Kingdom by Eunice Irwin, Steven Ybarrola, Steven Ybarrola
October 19, 2005 - Kingdom Conference - Living in Hope and Expectancy by Christina Accornero, Christina Accornero
October 19, 2006 - Kingdom Conference - The Whole World has Changed and the Church is Asleep by Roland J. Wells Jr., Roland J. Wells Jr.
October 20, 2005 - Kingdom Conference - A Biblical Theology for Creation Care by Sandra Richter, Sandra Ritcher
October 20, 2005 - Kingdom Conference - Shalom - God's Intention for Creation by Randy Woodley, Randy Woodley
October 20, 2006 - Kingdom Conference - What Does a Real Christian Look Like? by Chuck Fenrick, Chuck Fenrick
October 21, 2008 - Kingdom Conference - Staying, Listening, and Serving - The Illogical Logic of Christian Engagement by Sharon, Sharon Gramby-Sobukwe
October 22, 2008 - Kingdom Conference - Seeing, Knowing, and Doing Gods Work Civilly by Sharon Gramby-Sobukwe, Sharon Gramby-Sobukwe
October 23, 2008 - Kingdom Conference - Christ, Church and Creation - Churches Engaging Society by Augustin Vencer Jr., Augustin Jr Vencer
October 24, 2008 - Kingdom Conference - Vision of a Transformed Nation by Augustin Vencer Jr., Augustin Jr Vencer
October 25, 2007 - Kingdom Conference by Robert Priest, Robert Priest
October 26, 2007 - Kingdom Conference by Robert Priest, Robert Priest
October 8, 2009 - Theta Phi Lecture Series, Open Theism - Dr. John Sanders, John Sanders
Of Icons and IBS: Contextualizing the Inductive Bible Study Method Among Eastern Orthodox Background Believers, Curtis Elliott
Oh, to be young again, Joel B. Green
Oikonomiae Sacramentum: the mystery of the economy in Tertullian's Against Praxeas, James Loxley Compton
Oil painting of J. C. McPheeters
Oil painting of J. C. McPheeters
Older H. C. Morrison - Oval portrait
Older H. C. Morrison - Oval portrait
Older H.C. Morrison side profile
Older H.C. Morrison side profile
Old Estes Chapel Basement Library Admin Complex
Old Estes Chapel Basement Library Admin Complex
Old Testament Roots of Our Faith, Elizabeth Rice Achtemeier
Old Testament roots of our faith, Elizabeth Rice Achtemeier
Old Testament roots of our faith, Elizabeth Rice Achtemeier
Old Testament roots of our faith, Elizabeth Rice Achtemeier
Old to new, Marilyn Elliott
Old world, W B. Godbey
On creation twice: the double creation account in the first 19 paragraphs of Athanasius of Alexandria's De Incarnatione, Erica Seraphima Carl
"One alone cannot be excellent:" the theology and spirituality of beauty in the thought of Jonathan Edwards, Leslie Allison Herrmann
One Divine Moment: The Account of the Asbury Revival of 1970, Robert E. Coleman and David J. Gyertson
"One flesh," as God intended: an evaluation of marriage enrichment programs and a faith-based alternative, Mark James Benish
One Hundred Questions and Answers on the History, Polity, and Usages of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Henry Wheeler
On first principles and general theories, Steven James Lee
On giant shoulders : the history, role, and influence of the evangelist in the movement called Methodism, Robert G. Tuttle
On igniting pulpits, Paul Stromberg Rees
On knowing God, Ellen T. Charry
Only Believe, William Arthur
On making a name, William Edwin Sangster
On the age of Christ-free sermons: considerations of Christology in sermons within the Korean Evangelical Church context, Junyoung Chung
Opening communion chapel (2003), John David Walt
Opening communion chapel (2009), John David Walt
Opening convocation, 2003, Maxie D. Dunnam
Opening service of the 1951 International Society of Christian Endeavor Convention, in Grand Rapids Michigan Part 1, International Society of Christian Endeavor, Cliff Barrows, Billy Graham, and George Beverly Shea
Opening service of the 1951 International Society of Christian Endeavor Convention, in Grand Rapids Michigan Part 2, International Society of Christian Endeavor, Cliff Barrows, Billy Graham, and George Beverly Shea
Opening Session: Official Welcome and Address, Myron S. Augsburger
Opening Worship, John David Walt
Open Our Eyes, Joe Castillio and Eddie Willis
Open up! Shake up! Own up!, Howard Mellor
Operation Balm: equipping volunteer chaplains for small hospital settings, Brandon Keith Travis
Origen's role in the formation of the New Testament canon, C. G. Bateman
Original Church of the Nazarene - Los Angeles
Original Church of the Nazarene - Los Angeles
Original Pulpit from the Foundery, Ken Boyd
Origins of the schism in the Orthodox Church of India" 1912-1975, Abu Koshy George
Orlando Chapel 2-8-11, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Orlando Chapel 2-8-11 - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Orlando Prayer Chapel - 5, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Orlando Prayer Chapel - 6, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Orlando Prayer Chapel Sign, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Orlando Prayer Chapel Sign - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Orlando Prayer Chapel Sign - 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Orlando Students Listening in Class, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Orlando Students Listening in Class - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Orlando Students Listening in Class - 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Orlando Students Listening in Class - 4, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Orlando Students Listening in Class - 5, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Orlando Students Talking in Class - 12, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Orlando Students Talking in Class - 13, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Orlando Students Talking in Class - 14, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Orlando Students Talking in Class - 15, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Orlando Students Talking in Class - 16, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
O Taste and See, Maxie D. Dunnam
Our acting God, Russell Veldman
Our Brother in Black, J. C W DD Coxe
Our calling to fulfill, J. Ellsworth Kalas
Our Corinthian Future, George G. Hunter III
Our great interrupter, Stacy R. Minger
Our hearts were burning within us: a shared Christian praxis approach to the teaching of homiletics, Camillus M. Foley
Our old man, or God's prescription for our sanctification, Chas E. Cowman
Our Real Mission, Ed Goins
Our relocation miracles, Eddie Long
Our relocation miracles, Eddie Long
Out of the miry bog, Maxie D. Dunnam
Outside monastary in Romania, 1992
Outside monastary in Romania, 1992
Overcoming abuse, Amy Overley
Over-realized eschatology and the recipients of Paul's First Epistle to the Corinthians, David M. Beary
Pain, pathos, and pedagogy: the positive value of suffering in St. Basil the Great's Hom. Quod Deus Non Est Auctor Malorum, Michelle Mary Bahumian
Papers of Roger Hedlund: CBMS 1985, Roger Hedlund
Parental instruction in Relation to Sunday-School Teaching, Rev B. Hawley
Parish reconfiguration in the Diocese of Camden, Dominic J. Bottino
Parrott, Dr. Leslie of the Church of the Nazarene
Parrott, Dr. Leslie of the Church of the Nazarene
Participant reference in the Saul narratives: 1 Samuel 9-31, Charles Grebe
Participants at conference in Brazil, 1996
Participants at conference in Brazil, 1996
Participants at conference in Brazil, 1996
Participants at conference in Brazil, 1996
Partners in the Gospel, Maxie D. Dunnam
Pasos hacia la resauracion de una iglesia donde el pastor ha caido en infidelidad sexual, Luis Alberto Gomez Chavez
Passing the mantle: the development of a healthy model of clergy departure among American Baptist Churches of area I in Great Rivers Region, Cheryl R. Henson
Pastoral burnout in the black church in the New Era State Baptist Convention, Orlando K. Winters Sr.
Pastoral care in reproductive loss: "the Necessity of New Rituals", Ruth Jandeska
Pastoral confession, discipline, and rehabilitation, Donald M. Joy
Pastoral counseling of the oppressed, Osmond Alford Lindo
Pastoral Evangelism, Rev SA Keen
Pastoral friendships: the challenge of growing personal relationships with laymen in the church, Virgil R. Askren
Pastoring in an addictive age: changing how we do ministry when everybody's sick, Jason Willoughby
Pastor praying in Bulgaria, 1992
Pastor praying in Bulgaria, 1992
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Buildings
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Buildings
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Buildings
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Buildings
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Buildings
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Buildings
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Communion
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Communion
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Dining
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Dining
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Dining
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Dining
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Dining
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Dining
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Dining
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Dining
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Dining
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Dining
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Dining
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Dining
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Dining
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Dining
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Dining
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Dining
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Dining
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Dining
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Dining
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Dining
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Dining
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Dining
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Dining
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Dining
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Dining
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Dining
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Dining
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Dining
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Dining
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Dining
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Dining
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Dining
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Discussion
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Discussion
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Discussion
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Discussion
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Discussion
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Discussion
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Displays
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Displays
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Displays
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Displays
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Displays
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Displays
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Displays
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Displays
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Displays
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Displays
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Group Photograph
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Group Photograph
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Honoring
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Honoring
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Honoring
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Honoring
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Honoring
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Honoring
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Honoring
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Honoring
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Honoring
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Honoring
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Honoring
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Honoring
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Honoring
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Honoring
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Honoring
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Honoring
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Honoring
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Honoring
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Honoring
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Honoring
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Honoring
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Honoring
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Honoring
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Honoring
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Honoring
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Honoring
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Honoring
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Honoring
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Honoring
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Honoring
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Honoring
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Honoring
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Honoring
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Honoring
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Honoring
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Honoring
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Honoring
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Honoring
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Honoring
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Honoring
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Honoring
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Honoring
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Honoring
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Honoring
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Mar Thoma Church
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Mar Thoma Church
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Mar Thoma Church
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Mar Thoma Church
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Mar Thoma Church
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Mar Thoma Church
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Music
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Music
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - People
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Performers
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Performers
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Performers
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Performers
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Performers
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Performers
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Performers
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Performers
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Performers
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Performers
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Performers
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Performers
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Performers
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Performers
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Performers
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Performers
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Platform
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Platform
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Platform
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Platform
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Platform
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Platform
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Platform
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Platform
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Platform
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Platform
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Platform
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Platform
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Platform
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Platform
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Platform
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Platform
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Platform
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Platform
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Platform
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Platform
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Platform
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Platform
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Platform
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Platform
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Title page of album
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Title page of album
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Unidentified Speakers
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Unidentified Speakers
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Unidentified Speakers
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Unidentified Speakers
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Unidentified Speakers
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Unidentified Speakers
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Unidentified Speakers
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Unidentified Speakers
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Unidentified Speakers
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Unidentified Speakers
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Unidentified Speakers
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Unidentified Speakers
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Unidentified Speakers
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Unidentified Speakers
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Unidentified Speakers
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Unidentified Speakers
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Unidentified Speakers
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Unidentified Speakers
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Unidentified Speakers
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Unidentified Speakers
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Unidentified Speakers
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Unidentified Speakers
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Unidentified Speakers
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Unidentified Speakers
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Unidentified Speakers
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Unidentified Speakers
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Unidentified Speakers
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Unidentified Speakers
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Unidentified Speakers
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Unidentified Speakers
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Unidentified Speakers
Pastors' Conference, Mangalore, 1975 - Unidentified Speakers
Pastors who love too much, Donald M. Joy
Pastors with compulsive disorders, Donald M. Joy
Patristic theology and recension in Matthew 24:36: an evaluation of Ehrman, text-critical methodology, Adam G. Messer
Paul, Ananias, and authority: an exegetical study of Acts 22:30-23:5, J. L. Gerdes
Paul and 'Son of God' Christology, Gordon Fee
Paul, Hosea, and the exile: a new solution to Paul's quotation of Hosea in Romans 9:25-26, Adam Warner Day
Pauline Epistles, 1984, Robert Traina
Paul Mun and Family after the Spring 2011 Graduation, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Paul Mun and Family after the Spring 2011 Graduation - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Paul Mun and Family after the Spring 2011 Graduation - 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Paul Mun and Family after the Spring 2011 Graduation - 4, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Paul Mun and Family after the Spring 2011 Graduation - 5, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Paul Rees, Gerald Kennedy, Frank Stanger, Ministers Conference, January 1965
Paul Rees, Gerald Kennedy, Frank Stanger, Ministers Conference, January 1965
Paul's gospel and Christ's kingdom: the role of the love of neighbor in the good news, Sean A. Levine
Paul S. Reese giving the Inaugural sermon at President Stanger's Inauguration
Paul S. Reese giving the Inaugural sermon at President Stanger's Inauguration
Paul S. Rees, Frank Stanger and Francis A. Stanger
Paul S. Rees, Frank Stanger and Francis A. Stanger
Paul's theology of death and life in Romans 8, Peter J. Vik
Paul's understanding of the reign of Christ in 1 Corinthians 15:20-28, Kendall Robert Flower
Paul's use of Habakkuk 2:4 in Romans 1:17 and Galatians 3:11, Aaron Keith Tresham
Paul's use of the "fruit" figure, Ching-jye Hsieh
Pay Your Debts, Rev Philip S Moxom
Peace in the Midst of the Storm, C. Reginald Johnson
Peggie Roy and Another Woman in Orlando Chapel, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Peggie Roy and Another Woman in Orlando Chapel - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Peggie Roy in Orlando Chapel, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - Congregation
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - Congregation
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - Congregation
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - dock and boats
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - dock and boats
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - dock and boats
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - dock and boats
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - dock and boats
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - dock and boats
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - dock and boats
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - dock and boats
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - dock and boats
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - dock and boats
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - dock and boats
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - dock and boats
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - dock and boats
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - dock and boats
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - dock and boats
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - dock and boats
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - dock and boats
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - dock and boats
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - dock and boats
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - dock and boats
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - Group photograph
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - Group photograph
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - Group photograph
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - Meals
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - Meals
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - Meals
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - Meals
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - Meals
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - Meals
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - Meals
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - Meals
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - Meals
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - Meals
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - Meals
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - Meals
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - Meals
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - Meals
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - Meals
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - Meals
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - Meals
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - Meals
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - Meals
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - Meals
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - Meals
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - Meals
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - Meals
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - Meals
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - Meals
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - Meals
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - Meals
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - Meals
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - participants
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - participants
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - participants
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - participants
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - participants
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - participants
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - participants
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - participants
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - participants
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - participants
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - participants
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - participants
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - participants
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - participants
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - participants
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - participants
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - participants
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - participants
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - participants
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - participants
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - participants
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - participants
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - participants
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - participants
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - participants
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - participants
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - participants
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - participants
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - participants
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - participants
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - participants
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - participants
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - participants
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - participants
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - participants
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - participants
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - participants
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - participants
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - participants
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - participants
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - participants
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - Platform
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - Platform
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - Platform
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - Platform
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - Platform
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - Platform
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - Platform
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - Platform
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - Platform
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - Platform
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - Platform
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - Platform
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - Platform
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - Platform
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - Platform
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - Platform
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - Platform
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - Platform
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - Platform
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - Platform
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - video filming
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - video filming
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - video filming
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - video filming
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - video filming
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - video filming
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - video filming
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - video filming
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - video filming
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - video filming
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - video filming
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - video filming
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - video filming
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - video filming
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - video filming
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - video filming
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - video filming
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - video filming
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - video filming
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - video filming
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - video filming
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - video filming
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - video filming
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - video filming
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - video filming
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - video filming
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - video filming
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - video filming
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - video filming
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - video filming
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - video filming
Pekan Penataran Pendeta se - Kalbar. May 23-28, 1976 di Pontianak, Indonesia - video filming
Pentecostal herald, Cockrill Morrison
Pentecostal herald, Cockrill Morrison
Pentecostal herald, Cockrill Morrison
Pentecostal herald, Cockrill Morrison
Pentecostal herald, Cockrill Morrison
Pentecostal herald, HC Morrison and HB Cockrill
Pentecostal herald, HC Morrison and HB Cockrill
Pentecostal herald, HC Morrison and HB Cockrill
Pentecostal herald, HC Morrison and HB Cockrill
Pentecostal herald, H. C. Morrison and H. B. Cockrill
Pentecostal herald, HC Morrison and HB Cockrill
Pentecostal herald, Cockrill Morrison
Pentecostal herald, H. C. Morrison and H. B. Cockrill
Pentecostal herald, Cockrill Morrison
Pentecostal Herald, H. C. Morrison and H. B. Cockrill
Pentecostal Herald, HC Morrison
Pentecostal herald, HC Morrison and HB Cockrill
Pentecostal herald, Cockrill Morrison
Pentecostal Herald, HC Morrison
Pentecostal Herald, HC Morrison
Pentecostal herald, HC Morrison
Pentecostal Herald, HC Morrison
Pentecostal Herald, HC Morrison
Pentecostal Herald, HC Morrison
Pentecostal Herald, HC Morrison
Pentecostal herald, HC Morrison and HB Cockrill
Pentecostal herald, HC Morrison and HB Cockrill
Pentecostal Herald, HC Morrison and HB Cockrill
Pentecostal herald, HC Morrison and HB Cockrill
Pentecostal herald, HC Morrison and HB Cockrill
Pentecostal herald, HC Morrison and HB Cockrill
Pentecostal herald, HC Morrison and HB Cockrill
Pentecostal herald, HC Morrison and HB Cockrill
Pentecostal herald, HC Morrison and HB Cockrill
Pentecostal herald, HC Morrison and HB Cockrill
Pentecostal herald, HC Morrison and HB Cockrill
Pentecostal Herald, HC Morrison and HB Cockrill
Pentecostal herald, HC Morrison and HB Cockrill
Pentecostal herald, HC Morrison and HB Cockrill
Pentecostal herald, HC Morrison and HB Cockrill
Pentecostal herald, HC Morrison and HB Cockrill
Pentecostal herald, HC Morrison and HB Cockrill
Pentecostal herald, HC Morrison and HB Cockrill
Pentecostal herald, HC Morrison and HB Cockrill
Pentecostal herald, HC Morrison and HB Cockrill
Pentecostal herald, HC Morrison and HB Cockrill
Pentecostal herald, Cockrill Morrison
Pentecostal herald, Cockrill Morrison
Pentecostal herald, Cockrill Morrison
Pentecostal herald, Cockrill Morrison
Pentecostal herald, Cockrill Morrison
Pentecostal herald, Cockrill Morrison
Pentecostal herald, Cockrill Morrison
Pentecostal herald, Cockrill Morrison
Pentecostal herald, HC Morrison and HB Cockrill
Pentecostal herald, HC Morrison and HB Cockrill
Pentecostal herald, HC Morrison and HB Cockrill
Pentecostal herald, HC Morrison and HB Cockrill
Pentecostal herald, H. C. Morrison and H. B. Cockrill
Pentecostal herald, HC Morrison and HB Cockrill
Pentecostal herald, Cockrill Morrison
Pentecostal herald, H. C. Morrison and H. B. Cockrill
Pentecostal herald, Cockrill Morrison
Pentecostal Herald, H. C. Morrison and H. B. Cockrill
Pentecostal Herald, HC Morrison
Pentecostal Herald, HC Morrison
Pentecostal Herald, HC Morrison
Pentecostal Herald, HC Morrison
Pentecostal Herald, HC Morrison
Pentecostal Herald, HC Morrison
Pentecostal Herald, HC Morrison
Pentecostal Herald, HC Morrison
Pentecostal Herald, HC Morrison
Pentecostal Herald, HC Morrison
Pentecostal Herald, HC Morrison
Pentecostal Herald, HC Morrison
Pentecostal Herald, HC Morrison
Pentecostal Herald, HC Morrison
People Must Be Won, Kim Swithinbank
People's Evangelical Church formed in 1887
People's Evangelical Church formed in 1887
Perseverance of the saints: an experiential benefit of the covenant of grace, Brian Kamwendo
Personal and corporate discernment of God's will for a new kind of church, Danny E. Morris
Personal characteristics and external factors that contribute to physically abusive behaviors, Benjamin Wertheim
Personal identity and eschatology, Landon Marc McBrayer
Perspectives of Worship 1, Lester Ruth and J.D. Walt
Perspectives on Worship 2, Lester Ruth and J.D. Walt
Peter's denial, Anthony J. Headley
Physical self-care practices for sustainable pastoral leadership in local church ministry, Allen R. Taha
Picture of the U.S.N Philadelphia
Picture of the U.S.S. Mississippi, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
Piercing the corporate veil in a religious institution: the search for the assets, Kathleen Blake Asdorian
Pitcher, Arthur (Salvation Army)
Pitcher, Arthur (Salvation Army)
Placing the Dedication Sign at Kalas Village, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Placing the Dedication Sign at Kalas Village - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Placing the Dedication Sign at Kalas Village - 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Placing the Dedication Sign at Kalas Village - 4, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Placing the Dedication Sign at Kalas Village - 5, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Planning the implementation of a small church leaders network to promote missional leadership in small churches of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Edward D. McCallum
Plaque at Digory Isbell's Cottage, Ken Boyd
Plaque at New Room, Ken Boyd
Platform at 106th Annual Christian Holiness Association Convention
Platform at 106th Annual Christian Holiness Association Convention
Platform Party and Choir at the 1979 Christian Holiness Association Convention
Platform Party and Choir at the 1979 Christian Holiness Association Convention
Platform party at Asbury Theological Seminary convocation
Platform party at Asbury Theological Seminary convocation
Playfulness and intergenerational catechesis, Mary E. Carian
Play the fool, J. Ellsworth Kalas
Poetry as the Handmaid of Piety: Hymns as a Catalyst for Human Development in Early Methodism, Brian Yeich
Poets, playwrights, novelists and preachers, part 1, J. Ellsworth Kalas
Poets, playwrights, novelists and preachers, part 2, J. Ellsworth Kalas
Poets, playwrights, novelists and preachers, part 3, J. Ellsworth Kalas
Poets, playwrights, novelists and preachers, part 4, J. Ellsworth Kalas
Poets, playwrights, novelists and preachers, part 5, J. Ellsworth Kalas
Point of view in the books of 1 and 2 Samuel: a literary perspective of 2 Samuel 7:1-29, Alexander R. Gonzales
Political holiness and suffering unto God: the mystical-political in the theologies of Edward Schillebeeckk and Johannes Baptist Metz, Kevin Patrick Considine
Polston, Mrs. Don (wife of Don Polson)
Polston, Mrs. Don (wife of Don Polson)
Portrait of an older J. C. McPheeters
Portrait of an older J. C. McPheeters
Portrait of a young Frank Stanger in academic dress
Portrait of a young Frank Stanger in academic dress
Portrait of a young Henry Clay Morrison
Portrait of a young Henry Clay Morrison
Portrait of a young J C McPheeters
Portrait of a young J C McPheeters
Portrait of Carl Wesley Morrison
Portrait of Carl Wesley Morrison
Portrait of Frank Bateman Stanger
Portrait of Frank Bateman Stanger
Portrait of Frank Bateman Stanger - older
Portrait of Frank Bateman Stanger - older
Portrait of Frank Bateman Stanger (profile)
Portrait of Frank Bateman Stanger (profile)
Portrait of Frank Stanger at his desk
Portrait of Frank Stanger at his desk
Portrait of Frank Stanger at his desk
Portrait of Frank Stanger at his desk
Portrait of Frank Stanger (older)
Portrait of Frank Stanger (older)
Portrait of Henry Clay Morrison as an old man
Portrait of Henry Clay Morrison as an old man
Portrait of Henry Clay Morrison as an old man
Portrait of Henry Clay Morrison as an old man
Portrait of Henry Clay Morrison - digital color
Portrait of Henry Clay Morrison - digital color
Portrait of J. C. and Ethel McPheeters
Portrait of J. C. and Ethel McPheeters
Portrait of J. C. McPheeters, 1946
Portrait of J. C. McPheeters, 1946
Portrait of J. C. McPheeters, 1961
Portrait of J. C. McPheeters, 1961
Portrait of J. C. McPheeters in 1958
Portrait of J. C. McPheeters in 1958
Portrait of J. C. McPheeters (older)
Portrait of J. C. McPheeters (older)
Portrait of Maxie Dunnam with glasses
Portrait of Maxie Dunnam with glasses
Portrait of President David McKenna
Portrait of President David McKenna
Portrait of President David McKenna (older)
Portrait of President David McKenna (older)
Portrait of Sailor taken in San Francisco
Portrait of the Stanger Family
Portrait of the Stanger Family
Possible groundbreaking ceremony at Asbury College
Post-abortion stress syndrome and person-hood, Paul Jason Makar
Postcard of Camp Grounds, Oak Bluffs, MA (on Martha's Vineyard)
Postcard of Camp Grounds, Oak Bluffs, MA (on Martha's Vineyard)
Postcard of Camp Grounds, Oak Bluffs, MA (on Martha's Vineyard)
Postcard of Camp Grounds, Oak Bluffs, MA (on Martha's Vineyard)
Postcard of Camp Grounds, Oak Bluffs, MA (on Martha's Vineyard)
Postcard of Camp Grounds, Oak Bluffs, MA (on Martha's Vineyard)
Postcard with picure of the U.S.S. Charleston
Postfoundational or Pyrrhonian? A critique of J. Wentzel van Huyssteen's postfoundational model of rationality, Brian E. Belh
Postmodern echoes of early church ecclesiological themes, Tim Owens
Postrural ministry: leading church transformation in the changing rural environment, Mark L. Wilks
Practical application in Christ centered preaching, Daniel J. Weyerhaeuser
Practical theology: a class in counseling difficult cases, Mikel Lee Lawyer
Praters, Brukhoffs, Stangers, April 1977
Praters, Brukhoffs, Stangers, April 1977
Praxis of nurture in small churches, Glen Alan Woods
Prayer, Terry Teykl
Prayer and Nehemiah's relationship with God: an analysis of Nehemiah's prayers, Terry P. Magee
Prayer and the ministry of the word, Abdiyah Akbar Abdul-Haqq
Prayer as communication, part 2, Margaret Therkelsen
Prayer as communication, part 3, Margaret Therkelsen
Prayer as Communication (tape 1, disc 1), Margaret Therkelson
Prayer as Communication (tape 1, disc 2), Margaret Therkelson
Prayer at the Orlando Prayer Chapel Dedication, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Prayer at the Orlando Prayer Chapel Dedication - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Prayer at the Orlando Prayer Chapel Dedication - 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Prayer at the Orlando Prayer Chapel Dedication - 4, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Prayer at the Orlando Prayer Chapel Dedication - 5, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Prayer in Orlando Chapel, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Prayer in the Orlando Chapel, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Prayer in the Orlando Chapel - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Prayer in the Orlando Chapel - 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Prayer in the Orlando Chapel - 4, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Prayer in the Orlando Chapel - 5, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Prayer in the Orlando Chapel - 6, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Prayer in the Orlando Chapel - 7, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Prayer in the Orlando Chapel - 8, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Prayer & praise chapel for Ichthus, Asbury Theological Seminary
Prayer service, John David Walt
Prayer service for Yi-Jien Hwa, Asbury Theological Seminary
Praying for Peggie Roy in Orlando Chapel, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Praying for Peggie Roy in Orlando Chapel - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Praying in Orlando Chapel, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Praying or Sinning: Which Shall Be Given Up?
Preaching and spiritual formation: this is the fast I choose, Raymond Robert Miller
Preaching as a shared ministry: a proposal for Korean and Korean American Preaching, Hong-Duk Kim
Preaching at the cross, Eugene H. Peterson
Preaching at the End of a Millennium - Part 1, J. Elsworth Kalas
Preaching at the End of a Millennium - Part 2, J. Elsworth Kalas
Preaching at the End of a Millennium - Part 3, J. Elsworth Kalas
Preaching at the End of a Millennium - Part 4, J. Ellsworth Kalas
Preaching at the End of a Millennium - Part 5, J. Ellsworth Kalas
Preaching at the End of a Millennium - Part 6, J. Elsworth Kalas
Preaching Christ from Old Testament narratives, Mark C. Livingston
Preaching from Revelation, M. Robert Mulholland
Preaching from Revelation, M. Robert Mulholland
Preaching from Revelation, M. Robert Mulholland
Preaching from Revelation, M. Robert Mulholland
Preaching from Revelation, M. Robert Mulholland
Preaching from Revelation, M. Robert Mulholland
Preaching from Revelation, M. Robert Mulholland
Preaching from the Prophets (1993, part 2), John Oswalt
Preaching from the Prophets (1993, part 3), John Oswalt
Preaching from the prophets (1993, part 5), John Oswalt
Preaching from the Prophets (1997, part 4), John Oswalt
Preaching from the prophets (1997, part 6), John Oswalt
Preaching in the first person: is it ever right to talk about yourself?, Luther (Lee) E. Barnhardt III
Preaching the gospel, Donald George Miller
Preaching the gospel in Korea: a critical analysis of the contextual theologies of shamanism and minjung, JongPi Yoo
Preaching the law, Donald George Miller
Preaching the Luke fifteen parables using the first-person narrative approach, Alice L. Ridgill
Preaching the resurrection, Donald George Miller
Preaching the story behind the image: a narrative approach to metaphor for preaching, Justin P. Rossow
Preaching through our troubles: how preachers use their sermons to heal in times of intense personal challenges, Kay Palmer Marsh
Preaching to Hong Kong immigrants in America, Coung Tran
Preaching with confidence in an age of suspicion, Paul A. Jackson
Preaching your way out of a wet paper bag: a handbook to preaching in crisis, Johnny Teague
Preach the Gospel, Grace Imathiu
Predigten., Friedrich Schleiermacher
Prepare, John David Walt
Prepared to lead, equipped to serve: a congregational leadership development experience, Daniel W. Fugate
Preparing elders: a model for orienting and training members of a PCUSA church session, Joseph J. Kammel
Preparing for Passion, John David Walt
Preparing mission students to do contextual theology, Andrew R. Wood
Preparing the soldiers and families of select U.S. Army military police units to cope with the challenges and stresses of deployment separation, Christopher E. Dickey
Preparing Us for Where We Go, Jim Stauffer
Presbyterian Reformed Seminary, Budapest, 1992
Presbyterian Reformed Seminary, Budapest, 1992
Presentation of DDiv degree with Arnold Prater and CI Armstrong
Presentation of DDiv degree with Arnold Prater and CI Armstrong
Presentation of gift to library, T. L. Osborn
Presidential Inauguration of David McKenna
Presidential Inauguration of David McKenna
Presidential Inauguration of Frank Stanger outside the Administration Building
Presidential Inauguration of Frank Stanger outside the Administration Building
Presidential portrait of J. C. McPheeters
Presidential portrait of J. C. McPheeters
Presidential portrait of Jeff Greenway
President Stanger and President Emeritus McPheeters in front of portrait of H C Morrison, Dec 1976
President Stanger and President Emeritus McPheeters in front of portrait of H C Morrison, Dec 1976
President Stanger portrait, 1975 (older)
President Stanger portrait, 1975 (older)
President Stanger presented with Festschrift from Faculty
President Stanger presented with Festschrift from Faculty
President Timothy Tennent - Portrait
President Timothy Tennent - Portrait
Prevailing Faith, Dale E. Galloway
Pride and Prejudice: Colonialism and Post-Colonialism in the Philippine Chinese Context: How IBS Can be a Liberating Methodology to Find the Truth to be Set Free, Juliet Lee Uytanlet
Primary School, Fairview, South Africa
Principles of biblical counseling in education, William A. Laird
Professing the cross in North America: what Catholics can learn from Douglas John Hall, Adam P. Setmeyer
Program design and evaluation of Faith Summit: a leadership coaching program at Faith Community Church, Richard Haage Ferris
Program evaluation of the course Discipleship for Leadership at Rock Creek Church, Galen L. Huck
Prominent Doctrines and Peculiar Usages of the Methodist Episcopal Church Stated and Defended with Scripture Proofs and Illustrations, Rev B. Hawley
Promoting a deeper understanding of Holy Communion in worship at Knox Presbyterian Church, Bayfield, Ontario, Esther Carol Howson
Promoting change through children leading worship at South Jacksonville Presbyterian Church Jacksonville, Florida, Lana S. Stephens
Promoting short-term missions as a means of making long-term disciples at the Westfied Evangelical Free Church, David K. Young
Prophecy in Genesis, Gordon J. Wenham
Prophetic identity: modeling the kingdom from the margins of society, Harold Dean Trulear
Prophetic presence, Harold Dean Trulear
Prophets : 1977 lecture on OT roots of our faith, Elizabeth Rice Achtemeier
Prophets on trial: judging "Words from God" today with the model found in 1 Corinthians 14:29-33, J. Garrett Kell
Proportioinate Giving, Rev William Arthur
Pros and cons of borrowing, Mike Graham
Protestant Christianity in the Indonesian context: colonial missions, independent churches and indigenous faith, Arnila Hevena Santoso
Psalm 13, David Clardie
Psalm 89 as a Midrash on the Davidic covenant, Scott P. Nassau
Psalm 93: an exegetical study of the Psalm and its relationship to ancient near eastern mythology, Geoffrey Randall Kirkland
Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs for the use of the people called Christians, Susan J. Hammond
Public juridic persons and statues: the application of Canon 117 to parishes, Anna Marie McKendry Chamblee
Public Theology for Global Development: A Case Study Dealing with "Health" in Africa, Gregg A. Okesson
Pulpit at St. Mary's Church, Ken Boyd
Pulpit song: music lessons from African American homiletics, Richard Lund Dacey
Purpose-driven infinitives: can the accusative articular infinitives in Philippians 2:13 have the syntax of purpose?, Jill Lynn Sedlacek
Purpose driven strategy to reach unchurched Harry, Lee Strobel
Purposefully practicing the presence of God: contemplative youth ministry as missional formation in a multicultural American Baptist Church, David V. Anderson
Pursuing church revitalization that is tailored to a church's unique personality, Walton R. Kendall
Putting the pieces together: narrative therapy and theological reflection, James Pennington
Pyper, Gladys Ruth, one year of age
"Q & A Session", Joel B. Green and Mathias Zahniser
Qohelet's attitude toward women in Eccl 7:26 and 7:28b as it relates to his search for wisdom, May Liao Whisman
Question and answer session, William Lane Craig
Questions for Girls, Josephine Pollard
Questions for Girls, Josephine Pollard
Questions for Girls, Josephine Pollard
Questions for Girls, Josephine Pollard
Questions for Girls, Josephine Pollard
Questions for Girls, Josephine Pollard
Questions for Girls, Josephine Pollard
Questions for Girls, Josephine Pollard
Quiet voices: female prophets in the ancient near eastern and Mediterranean worlds, W. G. Hulbert
Quinceanos: celebrating the gift of life, Juan Carlos Farias-Gonzalez
Quintessential Christianity, Howe O. Thomas
Radical discipleship is formed in authentic community, Michael Slaughter
Raising the bar in African-American churches: toward a missional ecclesiology, Ira Edward Antoine Jr.
Raising up strategy partners for Australia, Benjamin J. Armacost
Ranjo Clements Speaking at the Gallaway Village Groundbreaking, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Ranjo Clements Speaking at the Gallaway Village Groundbreaking - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Ranjo Clements Speaking at the Gallaway Village Groundbreaking - 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Rays of the sun: The Holy Spirit's mediation of union with Christ in the theology of John Calvin, T. Robert Baylor
Reaching Our World, David L. McKenna
Reaching the next generations in North American Chinese churches, Kenneth P. Carlson
Reading a book of the Bible as a spiritual discipline to stimulate spiritual growth at Christ Community Church, John A. Lloyd
Reading James as a compendium of James' wisdom, Richard Bauckham
Reality preaching: food for the soul, Joy J. Moore
Reality preaching :food for the soul, part 5B, Joy J. Moore
Reality preaching: food for the soul, part 6A, Joy J. Moore
Reality preaching: food for the soul, part 6B, Joy J. Moore
Reality preaching: food for the soul, part 7A, Joy J. Moore
Reality preaching: food for the soul, part 7B, Joy. J. Moore
Reality preaching: food for the soul, part 8, Joy. J. Moore
Reality preaching: food for the soul, part 9, Joy J. Moore
Re-birth as the turning point of life. A study of Jesus' dialogue with Nicodemus in John 3:1-15, Joseph Rongpin Li
Rebooting the mission: back to the future, Gary Gonzales
Rebuilding relationships: a caring ministry for inactive members at Lakeland United Methodist Church, Richard M. Wright
Recalibrating Compass Ministries: an evaluation and strategic plan for the core classes of the Foothills Bible Church Littleton, Colorado, Donald R. McReavy
Recapitulation and salvation in Irenaeus of Lyon, Jonathan Hoglund
Recapturing the evangelism mandate in Emmanuel Baptist Church, Exeter, Ontario, H. Kevin Rutledge
Recapturing the vision: a study of the vision of Albert Benjamin Simpson as articulated in his sermons, James J. Brandli
Recent criticisms of D. T. Suzuki, Michael Anderson
Receptive soil: developing a strategy for the thoroughly un-churched, Mike L. Fleischmann
Reclaiming responsibility for the great commission: an evaluation of traditional missions with a focus on how the local church can reclaim its responsibility for the missions process, Glenn W. Brownewell Jr.
Recognition, diversity and connectedness: re-contextualizing Rom 16:1-16 for the Peruvian Church, Mila Aimee Diaz Solano
Reconciliation and the Catholic Church in China, Xinghao John Zhang
Reconciliation not required, Laura Louise Hamman
Reconciling divided peoples: a study of Luke in light of the Church in China, Baoliang Wang
Reconciling God's justice with God's actions in the book of Habakkuk, Martez D. Andrews
Reconfigured Torah & the liberation of Israel, Richard B. Hays
Reconstructing church education: a definition , Edward L. Hayes
Reconstruction: the most prolific period in black history, Jackie Jackson
Recovering a transformative perspective in theological education: portraits in the history of education, Steven T. Elich
Recovering the Christian story depicted in sign and symbol at First United Methodist Church, Prague, Oklahoma, Dyton L. Owen
Recovering the communal character of the Lord's table at North Boulevard Church of Christ, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, John Michael Magnuson
Recovering Wesleyan practices of the Lord's Supper through the Eucharistic hymns of Charles Wesley at Christ Wesleyan Church, Milton, PA, Jerry Michel Dennis
Redeeming sports through a biblical world-view: counseling athletes for the glory of God, Douglas Edward Leaman
Redefining the icon: the problem of innovation in the writings of Florensky, Ouspensky, and Kontoglou, Evan Freeman
Redemption in the reels of cinema, Adam Christopher Kipp
Rediscovered memory: the modern Israeli socio-political influence on the Masada narrative, Katya Dineva Ivanova
Red Lion Inn, Ken Boyd
Reed, W. E. of the Church of God (Anderson, IN)
Reed, W. E. of the Church of God (Anderson, IN)
Reed, W. E. of the Church of God (Anderson, IN)
Reed, W. E. of the Church of God (Anderson, IN)
Re-engaging the church in mission through coaching, Phil Newell
Reflections on the Asbury Revival that began on February 3rd, 1970, Dennis F. Kinlaw
Reflexion teologica para la pastoral matrimonial y familiar camino y esperanza, Ana Mercedes Rivas
Re-imagining the world through Christian discourse: reading Jacques Ellul's in the technological society, Kevin Carey Flynn
Rekindling the Creative Flame (part 1), J. Ellsworth Kalas
Rekindling the Creative Flame (part 2), J. Ellsworth Kalas
Rekindling the Creative Flame (part 3), J. Elsworth Kalas
Rekindling the Creative Flame (part 4), J. Elsworth Kalas
Rekindling the Creative Flame (part 5), J. Elsworth Kalas
Rekindling the Creative Flame (part 6 ), J. Elsworth Kalas
Rekindling the Creative Flame (part 7), J. Elsworth Kalas
Rekindling the Creative Flame (part 8), J. Elsworth Kalas
Relating Wesley's explicit and implicit ecclesiology to capital issues in the Methodist church in Latin America, Jose Miquez Bonino
Relax, I am with you, Manase Tafea
Releasing a staff member the right way, Dan Reiland
Religious and moral education in schools: educational leadership in Ghana, Philip Mensah
Religious diversity as a Christian problem, Paul J. Griffiths
Religious pluralism and soteriology: an analysis of the pluralistic model of John Hick, Matthew D. Anderson
Religious realism and non-realism in John Hick's pluralistic hypothesis: is Hick really safe from Feuerbach?, Jonathan D. Parsons
Religious thought and international development: contributions of Catholic social teaching and Islam, Emily M. Rostkowski
Remarkable Conversions, Interesting Incidents and Striking Illustrations, Henry Clay Morrison
Remember, Dennis F. Kinlaw
Remembering, Ybarrola Steve
Remember Jesus Christ: risen from the dead, Robert Julian Stamps
Renewing chapel worship through the formation of worship planning groups at Concordia Junior/Senior high school, John M. Sproul
Renewing God's call: spiritual formation for Holy Land pilgrimage, Timothy Woodrow Ross
Renewing Holy Communion through congregational song in African American Baptist Churches, Charlotte, North, Carolina, Maurice Antonio McNeill
Renewing our ministry, David L. McKenna
Renewing the Biblical practices of communion at Beulah Alliance Church Edmonton, Alberta, Mark Audber Jonah
Renewing the Church, reforming the culture, Diane Lemasters Knippers
Renewing worship: utilizing the tabernacle motif as a model for twenty-first century churches, Sung Wan Cho
Reports of Roger Hedlund: CB International Annual Chairman's Report 1993, Roger Hedlund
Representation and reconciliation: Hans Urs von Balthasar's theological interpretation of Shakespeare in the light of the Theo-Drama, Ignazio Michael Bellafiore
Research Writing Grammar part 1, Judy Seitz
Research Writing Grammar part 2, Judy Seitz
Resilience and resistance as the foundations of a practical theology for an oppressed people, Tomas King
Resisting dehumanization from a place of freedom: an interpretation of Christian forgiveness in the face of radical evil, Yat Kwan Luana Tung
Responding to questions of homosexuality; a look at forty years of teaching in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (and predecessors) and the Roman Catholic Church, Jacob M. Kohlhaas
Restoring hope through lamentation prayer to East Side Church of God, Anderson, Indiana, Lilburn Michael Gilliam
Restoring spirituality of harmony in Asia, Kim Loan T, Nguyen
Resurrection: (1) Current questions and the contemporary setting, Nicholas Thomas Wright
Resurrection. 2, N. T. Wright
Resurrection. 3 : Paul and the gospels, N. T. Wright
Re-thinking Titus: implementing a grammatical methodology of interpretation, David C. Perry
Retirees on mission: serving the poor, Kelly A. Hamilton
Retooled lizards within the contemporary navigational environment, Donna F.G. Hailson
Retreat assistants to retreat directors: church leadership training, Jo E. Richards
Return from aberration, Stephen Neill
Rev Chilton McPheeters while pastor of the Sierra Madre Methodist Church
Rev Chilton McPheeters while pastor of the Sierra Madre Methodist Church
Reversing trust and suspicion, integrating ontology and epistemology: a dialogue with Paul Ricoeur, Evangelicals, and outsiders, T. Greggory Monteith
Reversion and syncretism among the Wimbum Baptists of Cameroon, West Africa: a missiological problem, Gabriel N. Massa
Revisiting Christian soteriology in the liberation process of Korean Christianity, Junehee Yoon
Revitalizing the small church, Ronald K. Crandall
Revitalizing the small church, Ronald K. Crandall
Revival, holiness and and the Great Commission, Robert Emerson Coleman
Revivaltime Radio Broadcast Choir
Revivaltime Radio Broadcast Choir
Rhodes Estate at Rondebosch Cape, A. Rowland
Rhodes Memorial, Cape Town, A. Rowland
Richard Baxter's teaching on the family: spheres of soul care and sacrifice, Elisa Jill Benson
Rightly handling the word of truth, James V. Heidinger
Rightmire, Commissioner Robert
Rightmire, Commissioner Robert
Ring of the True Metal, Rev JM Reid
Risky mission, Walther P. Kallestad
Robert Lyon, Susan Schultz, and Frank Stanger
Robert Lyon, Susan Schultz, and Frank Stanger
Rome and the Republic, Rev John Lee
Rose, Dudley, husband of Lucia Arnold, Shelhamer Family
Ryan Kocak after the Spring 2011 Graduation, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Ryan Kocak after the Spring 2011 Graduation - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Ryan Kocak after the Spring 2011 Graduation - 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Sacrifice among the Tiv and sacrifice in Leviticus: a comparative approach, Jonathan T. Iorkighir
Sacrificial blood in the covenants, Ruth Febriana
SACS visitation team with Frank Stanger: Shelley Inzer, John Carey, James May and Jack Allen
SACS visitation team with Frank Stanger: Shelley Inzer, John Carey, James May and Jack Allen
Safe passage on city streets, Jay Richard Akkerman
Safety and security, Jeffrey W. Hanna
Sailor A. G. Lagg C. J. C. of U.S.S. Delaware
Sailor Alfred Larseu of U.S.S. Fish Hawk, October 16, 1892
Sailor C. A. Aikins, U.S.S. Baston, Oct 1906
Sailor Frank Dean of U.S.S. Chicago
Sailor G. W. Harris of the U.S.S. Phetis
Sailor John S. Colburn of U.S.S. Chicago, June 1894
Sailor N. E. Goodridge of the U.S.S. Raleigh
Sailor of U.S.S. Concord, July 1892
Sailors on the Helen May, 1889
Saints and sinners among the French Jesuit missionaries of new France: missionaries of their time, prophets for the future, Daniel Abram Maul
Saint Thomas Aquinas' spirituality: trinity, person, journey, Tukai Han
Salvation Army Band in Washington DC
Salvation Army Band in Washington DC
Salvation of the religious alien, Paul J. Griffiths
Salvation Today, Roy C. Nichols
Sam and Hazel Franklin with Frank Stanger, October, 1974
Sam and Hazel Franklin with Frank Stanger, October, 1974
Samaria and Our Spiritual Journey, Maxie D. Dunnam
Sam Kamaleson at Muskeegon, Michigan
Sam Kamaleson at Muskeegon, Michigan
Sam Kamaleson at Muskeegon, Michigan
Sam Kamaleson at Muskeegon, Michigan
Sam Kamaleson in Hungary, 1992
Sam Kamaleson in Hungary, 1992
Sam Kamaleson in Hungary, 1992.
Sam Kamaleson in Hungary, 1992.
Sam Kamaleson in Nairobi, Kenya, 1997
Sam Kamaleson in Nairobi, Kenya, 1997
Sam Kamaleson Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church, 1992
Sam Kamaleson Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church, 1992
Samuel Miller (1769-1850) and professional education for the ministry, R. John Robertson
Satisfying diverse spiritual typologies within the context of a single worship experience, Karen Kay Jones
Saved by teaching: an exegetical study of 1 Timothy 4:11-16, David A. Niblack
“Save the Mothers”: A Maternal Health Missiology, Daniel D. Scott
Science founded on the incarnation of Christ, Kevin Scott
Scripturality of instrumental music in the New Testament Church, William Howard Elder Jr.
Scriptural meditation: a participatory workshop method for teaching an augmented form of Lectio Divina to Episcopalians, Calvin Shields Girvin
Scripture, Abba, Hearer: the inspired word in the Apophthegmata, Adrian Budica
Scripture Catechism on Temperance
Scripture Sign in Kalas Village, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Sea Point, Cape Town, A. Rowland
Second General Assembly of the Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene
Second General Assembly of the Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene
Seeing, knowing, and "doing" God's work civilly, Sharon Gramby-Sobukwe
Seeking a higher ground: Watchman Nee's eschatology, Ran Shen
Selected case studies in how senior leaders cultivate missional change in contemporary churches, Rod Macilvaine
Selected case studies of effective deacon ministries in large Southern Baptist Churches, Mark S. Hudgins
Selected factors in the life and ministry of Hudson Taylor leading to effective ministry among Chinese in the 21st century, Charles Huang
Self-discovery in Christ, Heran Yoo
Selflessness: a foundational goal for all biblical counseling "A Study in Philippians", David Teekell
Selling Murder, Not Available
Senator Forkner and Frank Stanger
Senator Forkner and Frank Stanger
Senior Chapel, Claude Solano
Senior Chapel, Shirley Williams
Senior Chapel (May 14, 2002), Jessica Box and Alfred Kalembo
Senior Chapel (November 21, 2002), Dallas Pfeiffer and Christine Helms
Senior conflicts, decisions, and the church's role, Deborah Anne Cranston
Sensing the Spirit: Wesley's Empiricism and His Use of the Language of Spiritual Sensation, James E. Pedlar
Sent with a commission, Tim A. Meyer
September 30, 2008 - Theta Phi Lectures - Evangelicals and Catholics Together, Part 1 by Kenneth Collins, Kenneth J. Collins
Serious Truths for Consideration, Frederick J. Jobson
Servant leadership: strategies to enhance deacons' ministry through spiritual fellowship, James Harold Williams
Service of reconciliation and prayer, Maxie D. Dunnam
Serving the poor of Brasilia through REPARE a para-church organization project, Vitor Dantas Valenca Silveira
Servng God's purpose in our generation, Prabhu Singh
Seven habits of a visionary leaders, Dale E. Galloway
Seven keys to successful church, Ray Cotton
Seven principles and applications from the Song of Songs regarding physical intimacy in marriage, Joe David McCormick
Seventeenth -Century Westminster Sabbatarianism: a deviation from the early Reformed consensus, Joseph A. Franks IV
Sexual formation-- theology for integrating sexuality into spiritual formation for evangelical churches, Jennifer E. Ould
Sexuality, spirituality, and ministy vulnerability, Donald M. Joy
Seyoon Kim: a survey of his hermeneutics, Chi-ying Wang
Shall It Be Rum, With Moderation?, Rev E F Remington
Shall Our Rum Be Kept Out of Africa?, Rev Daniel Dorchester
Shalom: the role of truth telling in creating communities of racial reconciliation within institutions of Christian higher education, James J. Puglisi Jr.
Shaping a team-preaching model for large churches, Jonathan Goforth Schaeffer
Shaping the character of community, John David Walt
Sharing faith in the new millennium, Charles Stanley Littleton
Sharing ministry together, Dale E. Galloway
Sheets, Harold K. (Wesleyan Church)
Sheets, Harold K. (Wesleyan Church)
Shelhamer and Rowlands at Rhodes Estate, A. Rowland
Shelhamer, E. E., Shelhamer Family
Shelhamer, E. E., Shelhamer Family
Shelhamer, E. E., Shelhamer Family
Shelhamer, E. E., Shelhamer Family
Shelhamer, E. E., Shelhamer Family
Shelhamer, E. E., Shelhamer Family
Shelhamer, E. E., Shelhamer Family
Shelhamer, E. E., Shelhamer Family
Shelhamer, E. E. and Charles Hallenback Remodeling Washington Mission, Shelhamer Family
Shelhamer, E. E. and Esther, Shelhamer Family
Shelhamer, E. E. and Julia, Harrowsmith, Ontario, Shelhamer Family
Shelhamer, E. E. and Julia, Shreveport, Shelhamer Family
Shelhamer, E. E. and Julia, South Africa, Shelhamer Family
Shelhamer, E. E. and Julia with Wriggle Family, Shelhamer Family
Shelhamer, E. E. in Dominican Republic with National Missionaries and Preachers
Shelhamer, E. E. in Wesley’s Prayer Room, Shelhamer Family
Shelhamer, E. E., Julia and Evangeline, Shelhamer Family
Shelhamer, E. E., Julia and Evangeline, Shelhamer Family
Shelhamer, E. E., Wesley’s Prayer Room, Shelhamer Family
Shelhamer, E. E. with Bro. and Str. Penn, Shelhamer Family
Shelhamer, E. E. with Bro. Rowland and children, Shelhamer Family
Shelhamer, Esther and Everett, Maybee, Michigan, Shelhamer Family
Shelhamer, Esther and Mrs. Dorman, Shelhamer Family
Shelhamer, Esther as a child, Shelhamer Family
Shelhamer, Esther, Julia and E. E., Muyebe, Africa, Shelhamer Family
Shelhamer, Evangeline, Shelhamer Family
Shelhamer, Evangeline and Virginia, Shelhamer Family
Shelhamer, Evangeline and Walter Surbrook, Shelhamer Family
Shelhamer, Evangeline in Graduation Gown, Shelhamer Family
Shelhamer Family, Shelhamer Family
Shelhamer Family, Shelhamer Family
Shelhamer Family, 1928, Shelhamer Family
Shelhamer Family in Front of House, Shelhamer Family
Shelhamer Family, Kingswood, Shelhamer Family
Shelhamer Family, Kingswood, 1929, Shelhamer Family
Shelhamer Famly Member Standing in Front of Jail, Shelhamer Family
Shelhamer, Julia and Bro. Grassman, Shelhamer Family
Shelhamer, Julia and Children at Washington Mission, Shelhamer Family
Shelhamer, Julia and Esther James 1979, Shelhamer Family
Shelhamer, Julia (later years), Shelhamer Family
Shelhamer, Julia (later years), Shelhamer Family
Shelhamer, Julia (later years), Shelhamer Family
Shelhamer, Julia (later years), Shelhamer Family
Shelhamer, Julia - Portraits, Shelhamer Family
Shelhamer, Julia - Portraits, Shelhamer Family
Shelhamer, Julia - Portraits, Shelhamer Family
Shelhamer, Julia - Portraits, Shelhamer Family
Shelhamer, Julia - Portraits, Shelhamer Family
Shepherds and flocks: the pastoral ministry of ruling elders, Kent Michael Pettit
Ships of the Fleet: An Essay on the Weltanschauung of the Apostolate and the Mission of the Spirit, Art McPhee
Short Goliath: the old Greek and the Masoretic text in 1 Samuel 17-18, Nathan Smith
Should Christians fear death? Reflections on the office at the parting of the soul from the body, Vasilios Roditis
"Show don't tell:" the Eucharist as an act of proclamation and embodied apologetic, Shaun Christopher Brown
Sicut Deus: theological anthropology in the early thought of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Robert Aillet Hand
Significant issues encountered by bi-vocational pastors in the Pennsylvania Christian and Missionary Alliance, Thomas Carl Gramling Jr.
Signs and seals amid the rubble: Kingdom ministry in New Orleans, Raymond D. Cannata
Signs of grace: Charles Sanders Peirce's Semiotic, Jeremy Allan Keay
Silence in Ignatius, Daniel Belonick
Similarities and differences between Pentecostal and non-Pentecostal leaders in understanding the anointing of the Holy Spirit, Astrid Aiyadurai
Singers at 118th Annual Christian Holiness Association Convention
Singers at 118th Annual Christian Holiness Association Convention
Singing group performing at 1977 Convention
Singing group performing at 1977 Convention
Singing in Orlando Chapel 2-8-11, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Singing in Orlando Chapel 2-8-11 - 10, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Singing in Orlando Chapel 2-8-11 - 11, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Singing in Orlando Chapel 2-8-11 - 12, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Singing in Orlando Chapel 2-8-11 - 13, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Singing in Orlando Chapel 2-8-11 - 14, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Singing in Orlando Chapel 2-8-11 - 15, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Singing in Orlando Chapel 2-8-11 - 16, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Singing in Orlando Chapel 2-8-11 - 17, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Singing in Orlando Chapel 2-8-11 - 18, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Singing in Orlando Chapel 2-8-11 - 19, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Singing in Orlando Chapel 2-8-11 - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Singing in Orlando Chapel 2-8-11 - 20, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Singing in Orlando Chapel 2-8-11 - 21, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Singing in Orlando Chapel 2-8-11 - 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Singing in Orlando Chapel 2-8-11 - 4, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Singing in Orlando Chapel 2-8-11 - 5, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Singing in Orlando Chapel 2-8-11 - 6, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Singing in Orlando Chapel 2-8-11 - 7, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Singing in Orlando Chapel 2-8-11 - 8, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Singing in Orlando Chapel 2-8-11 - 9, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
SINGING. John Wesley on Singing
Single adult mothers: the modern day widow, Steve Charles Mawhorter
Sisters of the spirit : three Black women's autobiographies of the nineteenth century, Jarena Lee, Zilpha Elaw, Julia A J Foote, and William L. Andrews
Six-guns, supermen, and saviors: redemptive violence in American myth and Christian thought, Mac S. Sandlin
Sixteenth century Geneva and its political influence on John Locke, Nathaniel A. Warne
Skepticism in the fourth gospel, Stacy Abernathy
Sketch of the life of Robert Raikes, esq. : and of the history of Sunday schools, W F (William Freeman) Lloyd
Slum Sisters of the Salvation Army
Slum Sisters of the Salvation Army
Small group ministry in the context of a Lutheran high school, Jon K. Anderson
Small groups as restorative community: from brokenness to wholeness, Roger L. Penn
Small, oval portrait of H. C. Morrison (older)
Small, oval portrait of H. C. Morrison (older)
Smith, Maj. Allister (of the Salvation Army)
Smith, Maj. Allister (of the Salvation Army)
S.M. Smith, U.S.A.S. Solace, wearing a Christian Endeavor pin at his neck
Snyder, Melvin, General Superintendent of the Wesleyan Church
Snyder, Melvin, General Superintendent of the Wesleyan Church
Snyder, Melvin, General Superintendent of the Wesleyan Church
Snyder, Melvin, General Superintendent of the Wesleyan Church
Social boundaries in Luke-Acts, David Brack
Social Engagement: The Challenge of the Social in Missiological Education; The 2013 Proceedings of the Association of Professors of Missions, Association of Professors of Missions
Sojourn through spiritual and religious tension: a quantitative study of intercultural competence and worldview development, Naomi J. Judeman Smith
Solomon's Stable - Megiddo, Ben Witherington
Solzhenitsyn's evolving views on Russia from Perestroika onward, Radomir Plavsic
Some a hundredfold : the life and work of James R. Adam among the tribes of South-West China, Marshall Broomhall
Some Healing is up to You, Maxie D. Dunnam
Some Thoughts on the Athanasian Creed, J. Armitage Robinson
Some ways of viewing Jesus, Eugene A. Nida
Song of Songs: living in the spirit of Genesis 2, Rosemary Kathleen Lynas
Sons for the sonless in the Ugaritic and Hebrew narratives, Stephen Shane Paul
Sorrows of a Saloon-Keeper, Petroleum V. Nasby
Soul winning in a Black church, Joann Springer Thomas
Sound roots: steps to building a biblical philosophy of music, Dana F. Everson
Southeast's bequest and stewardship strategy, part 1, Mike Graham
Southeast's bequest and stewardship strategy, part 2, Mike Graham
Southeast's stewardship campaign, part 1, Len Moisan
Southeast's stewardship campaign, part 2, Les Moisan
Southeast's ways of sermon preparation, part 1, Bob Russell
Southeast's ways of sermon preparation, part 2, Rusty Russell
Sowing and reaping: equipping Christians to participate with and support the work of evangelists, H. Jensen Petersen
Speaking of delivery: an examination of the process leading through sermon delivery, Andrew Vander Maas
Special Book Review Essay, Aaron Perry
Special Guests at the Kalas Village Dedication, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Special Guests at the Kalas Village Dedication - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Spiritual direction and domestic violence: a journey towards healing, Chlorine F. Wimberly
Spiritual formation and accreditation in seminary, Della Mae Walker
Spiritual formation of the Christian artists in the context of a covenantal relationship with God, Deborah Mitchell
Spiritual freedom: a gracious path, Jane Noreen Geiger
Spiritual Gifts, part 1, Mark Nysewander
Spiritual Gifts, part 2, Mark Nysewander
Spiritual Gifts, part 3, Mark Nysewander
Spiritual Gifts, part 4, Mark Nysewander
Spiritual growth through a marriage enhancement seminary at Redeemer Lutheran Church Hinsdale, Illinois, Michael Wayne Bradburn
Spirituality and Other Human Hungers, part 1, William E. Pannell
Spirituality and Other Human Hungers, part 2, William E. Pannell
Spirituality of Catholic sexuality in China, Xiu Kai Zhang
Spiritual maturity and the challenges of aging, C. Montee Kennedy
Spiritual renewal in the Philippine context: interaction of scriptures and reformed spirituality with Filipino spirituality toward personal and church renewal, Rodolfo B. Santos
Spiritual renewal through the development of spiritual lives of men in the congregation, Joseph David Stinson
Spiritual vitality: discovering a more excellent way, Lorenzo C. York
Spiritual warfare conference, part 1, Timothy M. Warner
Spiritual warfare conference, part 2, Timothy M. Warner
Spiritual warfare conference, part 3, Timothy M. Warner
Spiritual warfare conference, part 4, Timothy M. Warner
Spiritual warfare: discovering contemporary Lutherans' understanding of its role in their faith lives, Emil H. Klatt III
Spray, Pauline (Church of the Nazarene)
Spray, Pauline (Church of the Nazarene)
Spray, Pauline (Church of the Nazarene)
Spray, Pauline (Church of the Nazarene)
Spring 2011 Graduation Audience, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Spring 2011 Graduation Procession, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Spring 2011 Graduation Procession - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Spring 2011 Graduation Procession - 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Spring 2011 Graduation Procession - 4, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Spring revival services, Maxie D. Dunnam
Sprinkling the Biblel Mode, Rev Selah W Brown
St. Aloysius congregation: rediscovering traditions, Stephanie M. Weak
St. Andrews Parish Church, Ken Boyd
St. Andrews Parish Church, Ken Boyd
St. Andrews Parish Church, Ken Boyd
St. Andrews Parish Church Stained Glass, Ken Boyd
Stanger and Norman Paullin at the 1962 Ministers Conference
Stanger and Norman Paullin at the 1962 Ministers Conference
Stanger as an Asbury College student
Stanger as an Asbury College student
Stanger presented a pen for 20 years of service to Asbury Seminary
Stanger presented a pen for 20 years of service to Asbury Seminary
Stangers' 20th Anniversary at ATS
Stangers' 20th Anniversary at ATS
Stangers' 20th Anniversary at ATS, talking to friends
Stangers' 20th Anniversary at ATS, talking to friends
Stangers' 25th Wedding Anniversary June 2, 1962
Stangers' 25th Wedding Anniversary June 2, 1962
Staples, Rob L., Staples of the Church of the Nazarene
Staples, Rob L., Staples of the Church of the Nazarene
Status and Roles of Women in the OT, Lawson Grant Stone
St. Augustine's On Lying and Harry Frankfurt's On Bullshit: an Augustinian evaluation of Harry Frankfurt, Brian Christopher Harrington
Staying, listening, and serving: the illogical logic of Christian engagement, Sharon Gramby-Sobukwe
Steve Harper leading the laying of hands on Jeff and Beth Greenway
Steve Harper leading the laying of hands on Jeff and Beth Greenway (2)
Steve Harper welcoming Jeff Greenway at the 2004 Florida Staff Gathering
Steve Harper welcoming Jeff Greenway at the 2004 Florida Staff Gathering (2)
Steve Harper welcoming Jeff Greenway at the 2004 Florida Staff Gathering (3)
Stewardship of power, Gary A. Haugen
St. George's Church in Philadelphia
St. George's Church in Philadelphia
St. George's Church in Philadelphia
St. George's Church in Philadelphia
St. George's Church in Philadelphia
St. George's Church in Philadelphia
St. George's Church in Philadelphia
St. George's Church in Philadelphia
St. George's Church in Philadelphia
St. George's Church in Philadelphia
St. George's Church in Philadelphia
Still not satisfied: Orthodox theology and Anselm's Cur Deus Homo, Christopher Evan McGarvey
Stimulating a congregation to respond to its community through the development of an outreach ministry to inner-city school dropouts, Paul A. Freeman Jr.
St. John Chrysostom's theology of Christian transformation, Pak-Wah Lai
St. Mary's Church, Ken Boyd
St. Mary's Church, Ken Boyd
St. Nina of Georgia, Frederica Mathewes-Green
Storm signals : being a collection of sermons preached on Sunday and Thursday evenings at the Metropolitan Tabernacle, C. H. Spurgeon
Story Telling Concert (1996), Charles D. Killian
St. Paul's Cathedral, Ken Boyd
St. Paul's Cathedral, Ken Boyd
St. Paul's Cathedral, Ken Boyd
St. Paul's Cathedral, Ken Boyd
St. Paul's Cathedral, Ken Boyd
"Strangers in a Strange Land:" a study of the role of a church in multi-cultural missions for foreigners in Korea, Yong-Hyock Kim
Strategies for multi-site ministry in the United Methodist Church, Neil C. Epler
Strategy of honor: Paul's use of praise as a hortative device in Philemon, Bradford Poe
Streams in the Desert, Paths in the Wilderness, C. Reginald Johnson
Stress management and relapse risk reduction: a faith-sensitive stress-management approach for addictive sex-related behaviors, William R. Snyder
Stuck in a moment you can't get out of, Joy J. Moore
Students at the Spring 2011 Graduation, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 10, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 11, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 12, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 13, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 14, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 15, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 16, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 17, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 18, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 19, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 20, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 21, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 22, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 23, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 24, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 25, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 26, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 27, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 28, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 29, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 30, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 31, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 32, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 33, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 4, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 5, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 6, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 7, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 8, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 9, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Student's motivation to learn English and testing Washback on college English at a Chinese university, Jing Huang
Students of Deets Pacific Bible College of the Nazarene University
Students of Deets Pacific Bible College of the Nazarene University
Students Recessing at the Spring 2011 Graduation, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Recessing at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Recessing at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Recessing at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Singing at the Spring 2011 Graduation, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Singing at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Singing at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Singing at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 4, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Singing at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 5, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Singing at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 6, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Singing at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 7, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Singing at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 8, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Singing at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 9, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Talking at the Spring 2011 Graduation, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Talking at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 10, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Talking at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 11, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Talking at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 12, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Talking at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 13, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Talking at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 14, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Talking at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 15, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Talking at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 16, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Talking at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 17, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Talking at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Talking at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Talking at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 4, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Talking at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 5, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Talking at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 6, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Talking at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 7, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Talking at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 8, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Talking at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 9, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Walking Across the Platform at the Spring 2011 Graduation, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Walking Across the Platform at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Walking Across the Platform at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Walking Across the Platform at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 4, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Walking Across the Platform at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 4, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Walking Across the Platform at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 5, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Walking Across the Platform at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 6, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Walking Across the Platform at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 7, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Stump of Slave Tree, Cape Town, A. Rowland
Subjective impressions in the Christian experience, Robert James Johnson
Suffering toward sanctification, Claude Marshall
Suicide prevention and the Japanese Ground Self Defense Force, Allen Blake Boatright
Summer 1994 - Recent Books on Wesleyan/Holiness Themes, D. William Faupel
Sunday school in evangelicalism: 1959 to 1989, Casey S. Shutt
Sunday School of Dorothy Haley, South Africa, Shelhamer Family
Supervision across cultures: directions for ministry supervision during the SVD crosscultural training program, Mark J. Schramm
Susan Muto Introduction by Steve Martyn, Susan Muto
Susan Muto on Formative Spirituality Part 1, Susan Muto
Susan Muto on Formative Spirituality Part 2, Susan Muto
Susan Muto on Formative Spirituality Part 3, Susan Muto
Susan Muto on Formative Spirituality Part 4, Susan Muto
Susan Muto on Formative Spirituality Part 5, Susan Muto
Susanna Wesley Memorial, Ken Boyd
Susan Shultz and Mardelle Stanger
Susan Shultz and Mardelle Stanger
Tables are for Making Memories, Frederick C. Van Tatenhove
Tailoring Class, Edwaleni Industrial School, Shelhamer Family
Taking risks as a staff, Leith Anderson
Tammy Cessna and Dr. Geneva Silvernail Talking in the Orlando Chapel, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Tammy Cessna and Dr. Geneva Silvernail Talking in the Orlando Chapel - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Tammy Cessna and Jolita Pieciaite at the Spring 2011 Graduation, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Tammy Cessna and Jolita Pieciaite at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Tammy Cessna and Jolita Pieciaite at the Spring 2011 Graduation - 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
"Taste and see that the Lord is good:" the aesthetic-affectional preaching of Jonathan Edwards, Charles L. Geschiere
Tatian's DIATESSARON and the passion chronology, Nicholas J. Zola
"Taught by God:" John's use of Jeremiah 31:31-34 in 1 John 2:27, John Menno Gaede
Taylor, Dr. Richard of the Church of the Nazarene
Taylor, Dr. Richard of the Church of the Nazarene
Teaching centered prayer skills to incarcerated African American men in small groups, Karl Jeames Robinson
Teaching ethics in the Navy Supply Corps School's Supply Officer Department Head Course as an act of ministry, Marc Anthony McDowell
Teaching healing prayer for the victims of sin, George Byron Kock
Teaching postmodern people theological truth, Anthony R. Turner
Teaching session, part 1, Michael Slaughter
Teaching the significance of baptism in the local ARP congregation, Kyle Edward Sims
Techniques in congregational transformation: creating positive change through appreciative inquiry, Peter Della Santina
Telling the old story in old stories: story preaching to retired persons in era-specific stories, Peter K. Christy
"Temple of the living God:" the transformation of a metaphor and its application in fourth- and fifth-century Christianity, Renie S. Choy
Ten brave Christians: the John Wesley great experiment, Danny E. Morris
Tent Meeting in Pondoland, South Africa, Shelhamer Family
Terrorism and forgiveness, William J. Abraham
Testimonies and Thanksgiving, Asbury Theological Seminary
Testimonies of condemned criminals, J W. Montgomery
Testimony of Jesus Christ to His Own Deity
Text, trope, and translation: complex polysemy and rhetorical strategy in the Elihu speeches of Job 32:1-36:33, Bent Christiansen
Thanksgiving chapel, 1970, Frank Bateman Stanger
That all may be one: reconfiguration as a contemporary expression of the charism of the Congregation of St. Joseph, Susan McCrery
"That's the way it was:" oral histories of women from the early days of Briercrest College and Seminary, Colleen Taylor
That we may be one: a mission in progress building a multicultural community, Maureen Deitche
The 1907 Christmas Greeting from Miss Jones
The 9 to 1 principle, Michael Quicke
The abundant life, William Edwin Sangster
The adolescent and the self: a contrast and comparison between Japanese and American teenagers, Michael Carl
The aging process, William Coda Martin
The application of the Sermon on the Mount from a dispensational perspective, Eli Hale Dowell
The application of the Universal law on migrants in documents of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Rafael Padilla
The Asbury Link, Asbury Theological Seminary
The Asbury Link, Asbury Theological Seminary
The Asbury Seminary Officers of Administration, 1959
The Asbury Seminary Officers of Administration, 1959
The Asbury Theological Seminary Herald, Asbury Theological Seminary
The Asbury Theological Seminary Herald, Asbury Theological Seminary