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A. Bibles: At least three (3) modern versions of the Bible. Among the most useful are these: New Revised Standard Version; New Living Translation; New Jerusalem Bible; Revised English Bible; New American Standard Bible; Tanakh. B. Bibliography: David R. Bauer. Biblical Resources for Ministry. 2nd edition, revised and enlarged. Nappanee, Ind.: Evangel Publishing House, 1995. This resource will serve as a broad bibliography for recommended commentaries, geographical atlases, historical surveys, theologies, word study resources, grammars, concordances, etc. Familiarity with this tool should be a high priority of the student during this course, throughout one’s seminary career, and in years to come for building a Biblical library for ministry. C. Secondary Resources for Required Usage: Students must have access to these resources for specific assignments during the semester: 1. Gordon J. Wenham. Genesis. Vol. I. Word Biblical Commentary. Waco, TX: 2 Word, 1987. 2. John I. Durham. Exodus. Word Biblical Commentary. Waco, TX: Word, 1987.

Publication Date

January 2001


Asbury Theological Seminary


Testament, Kentucky, OT620, Old, IBS, Spring



OT 620 Pentateuch
