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Alternative Title

MB 700 Anthropology for Christian Mission


Texts for Master’s Level Students: 1. Other People’s Worlds: An Introduction to Cultural and Social Anthropology (1999) -- Joy Hendry New York University Press ISBN 0814736025 2. The Christ of the Indian Road (1924) -- E. Stanley Jones United Methodist Publishing House ISBN 0687063779 3. The Anthropology of Globalization: Cultural Anthropology Enters the 21st Century. (2002) -- Ted C. Lewellen. Bergin & Garvey ISBN 0897897404 4. The Best of Missiology: A Reader in Anthropology and Mission (2005) – Michael A. Rynkiewich (These articles need not be bought; they can be accessed through the library.) 5. One Church, Many Tribes (2000). -- Richard Twiss. Ventura, CA: Regal Books (Gospel Light) Texts for Th.M. and Doctoral Level Students: 1. All of the above texts, plus... 2. Either: The Gebusi: Lives Transformed in a Rainforest World (2005) -- Bruce Knauft McGraw Hill ISBN 0072972637 Or: Becoming Sinners: Christianity and Moral Torment in a Papua New Guinea Society. (2004) -- Joel Robbins University of California Press ISBN 0520238001

Publication Date

January 2005


Asbury Theological Seminary


MB, 700, Kentucky, Fall, MS, 671



MS 671 Anthropology for Christian Mission
