
Ruth C. Rambo



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1. Dallas Willard, “Spiritual Disciplines, Spiritual Formation, and the Restoration of the Soul,” Journal of Psychology and Theology 26:1 (1998): 101-109. [Course Center > 01 Module > Willard.pdf] 2. Dallas Willard, The Spirit of theDisciplines (San Francisco: Harper, 1988), Preface and Chapters 1-3. 3. Kent Ira Groff, Active Spirituality: A Guide for Seekers and Ministers (NYC: Alban Institute, 1993), pgs. 1-45. 4. M. Robert Mulholland, Jr., Shaped by the Word ( Nashville: The Upper Room, 1985), pgs. 112-116. 5. Nancy Beach, “Heart Check: Test Your Spiritual Vital Signs,” Leadership (Winter, 2001) 105-110 (Course Center>01 Module> Beach pdf)6. Donald Whitney, Ten Questions to Diagnose Your Spiritual Health (Colorado Springs:NavPress, 2001.1. Joseph D. Driskill. Protestant Spiritual Exercises:Theology, History and Practice (Harrisburg, PA: Morehouse Publishing, 1999), pgs. 111-2. 2. Dallas Willard, The Spirit of the Disciplines (San Francisco: Harper, 1988), Chapters 4-6. 3. Dallas Willard. “Spiritual Formation.” Spiritual Formation Conference, First Annual Conference. Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, 1999. 4. Groff, Kent Ira. Active Spirituality: A Guide for Seekers and Ministers (NYC: Alban Institute,5. Kenneth Woodward, “Overcoming Sin,” Newsweek 21 May 2001: 36-7.1. Kent Ira Groff, Active Spirituality:A Guide for Seekers and Ministers (NYC:The Alban Institute, 1993), pgs. 73-98. 2. Dallas Willard, The Spirit of the Disciplines: Understanding How God Changes Lives (NY: Harper Collins, 1988), chapters 7,8 (“Exercise unto Godliness in the Spiritual Gymnasium”) 3. Bernard Groeschl Spiritual Passages: The Psychology of Spiritual Development (NY: Crossroad, 1992), pgs. 77,83. 4. M.Robert Mulholland, Jr. Shaped by the Word (Nashville: The Upper Room, 1985), 5. Stanley B. Hauerwas and William H. Willomon. Resident Aliens: Life in the Christian Colony (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1989). 6. Bob Benson, Sr. and Michael W. Benson Disciplines for the Inner Life (TN: Deeper1. Kenneth J. Collins, “Abiding in the Kingdom of God: The Disciplines of the Liberated Life” The Asbury Herald (109:2): 3-6. 2. James Davison Hunter, The Death of Character: Moral Education in an Age without Good or Evil (New York: Basic Books, 2000) p. 226. 3. Lewis H. Smedes, “What Are We Talking About?” Issue on Character, Theology News and Notes (October, 1988):5-8. 4. Gary L. Thomas, The Glorious Pursuit: Embracing the Virtues of Christ (Colorado:Navpress, 1998). Note this resource for Thomas: CENTER FOR EVANGELICAL SPIRITUALITY P.O. Box 29417 Bellingham, WA 98228-1417 5. Kent Ira Groff, Active Spirituality: A Guide for Seekers and Ministers (NYC:Alban Institute, 1993) pgs. 101-128. 6. Dallas Willard, The Spirit of the Disciplines (San Francisco: Harper, 1988), pgs. 156-192.1. Dietrich Bonhoffer, Life Together (San Francisco:Harper, 1954), pgs. 103-130. 2. Kent Ira Groff, Active Spirituality: A Guide for Seekers and Ministers (NYC: Alban Institute, 1993), pgs. 131-161. 3. Dallas Willard, The Spirit of the Disciplines (San Francisco:Harper, 1988), pgs. 193-250. 4. Jeff Imbach, The River Within: Loving God, Living Passionately (CO: Navpress, 1998), pgs. 142-3. 5. Stanley B. Hauerwas and William B. Willomon, Resident Aliens:Life in the Christian Colony1. Martin Luther Faith Alone (Grand Rapids, MI: Word, 1998.) October 31 2. Parker Palmer Let Your Life Speak (San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 2000.) SF550 SYLLABUS RUTH RAMBO, D.MIN., ADJUNCT PROFESSOR OF SPIRITUAL FORMATION ASBURY THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, 204 N. LEXINGTON AVE., WILMORE, KY 40390 O: 859.858.0995 E: RRAMBO@ASBURYSEMINARY.EDU 37 3. Kent Ira Groff Active Spirituality: A Guide for Seekers and Ministers (NY: The Alban Institute, 1993.) pgs.169-74. 4. Harry R. Moody and David Carroll The Five Stages of the Soul: Charting the Spiritual Passages That Shape Our Lives (New York: Doubleday, 1997.) 5. Benedict Groeschl Spiritual Passages: The Psychology of Spiritual Development (New York: Crossroads, 1996.) 1. Frederick Buechner, The Sacred Journey 2. Dennis and Matthew Linn, Healing of Memories (New York: Paulist Press, 1984). 3. Kent Ira Groff, Active Spirituality (NYC: Alban Institute, 1993), p. 78, Appendix. 4. Kenneth Boa Conformed to His Image Grand Rapids: MI: Zondervan, 2001). 5. Richard Foster and James Bryan Smith, Disciplines of the Inner Life (Spiritual Formation Workbook), (San Francisco, CA: Harper Collins, 1993.) 6. Daniel Helminiak, Spiritual Development (Chicago,IL: Loyola University Press, 1987), pgs. 72-87. 7. Dallas Willard, The Spirit of the Disciplines (San Francisco, CA: Harper, 1988), p. 251. 8. Michael Wells Sidetracked in the Wilderness 9. J.I. Packer, Klaus Gockmuehl and James Houston Classics of the Christian Faith

Publication Date

January 2005


Asbury Theological Seminary


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SF 550 Spiritual Disciplines
