Content Posted in 2014
100 Things I've Learned and Transitioning A Traditional Church, Jim Jackson
1 Thessalonians 4:15-5:28 and 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 1598 Geneva Bible
24/6 Sabbath living in a 24/7 world, Matthew Sleeth
2 Thessalonians 3:11-18 and Hebrews 1:1-2:2, Codex Vaticanus B
A biblical theology of creation care, Sandra L. Richter and Randy Woodley
A bird's eye-view of Isaiah, Sandra L. Richter and Ben Witherington
A bird's eye-view of Isaiah, Sandra L. Richter and Ben Witherington
A bird's eye-view of Isaiah, Sandra L. Richter and Ben Witherington
A bird's eye-view of Isaiah, Ben Witherington
A bird's eye-view of Isaiah, Ben Witherington
A bird's eye-view of Isaiah, Ben Witherington
Ablaze with love: a video documentary to sensitize the Church of the Nazarene to its heritage of gender mutuality in ministry, Janine T. Metcalf
A Christian response to Chinese ancestor practices in Taiwan: an exercise in contextualization, Daniel C. S. Chen
A Christian response to Islam (part 1), Steven Tsoukalas and Terry C. Muck
A Christian response to Islam (part 3), Steven Tsoukalas and Terry C. Muck
'A Cloud Of Perfect Witnesses:' John Wesley And The London Disturbances 1760-1763, Gareth Lloyd
A critical Greek and English concordance of the New Testament, Charles F. Hudson
Acts 28:25-31 and Romans 1:1-9, 1598 Geneva Bible
A cultural analysis of Cambodian Methodist church worship services and their implications for evangelism, Kevin Lowe Joo Oon
Adapting to a revolution: a study of the Brethren in Christ in the changing context of Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, Daryl Ray Climenhaga
A descriptive dissertation on trust development between pastor and parish, Larry E. Houck
Adult Learning in a World Leaning Into Godās Mission, Mary Hess
A follow-up manual for new members of the Evangelical Chinese Church in Seattle, Washington, Simon Wesley Chou
A fresh look at Romans, Joseph Dongell
A fresh look at Romans, Joseph Dongell
A fresh look at Romans, Joseph Dongell
A heart to heart about our hearts, Jeffrey E. Greenway
A History of the Floating Societies of the Christian Endeavor, Robert A. Danielson
A leadership model for the Korean immigrant church, Woongtae Kim
A little more on holiness, Robert J. Stamps
All Saints Day, Robert Julian Stamps
A manual of the Chaldee language : containing a Chaldegrammar, chiefly from the German of Professor G. B. Winer, a chrestomathy, consisting of selections from the targums, and including notes on the Biblical Chaldee, and a vocabulary adapted to the chrestomathy, with an appendix on the Rabbinic and Samaritan dialects, Georg Benedikt Winer and Elias Riggs
A map through the minefield: church merger as a strategy for starting new faith communities, Kelly D. McClendon
A mentoring model of how to train successor leaders: a Latin American perspective, David Munguia Zelada
An adaptation of the Tswana initiation rites as a Christian discipleship ministry, Lynn Shmidt
An address delivered at Asbury Theological Seminary chapel service, Ellen L. Marmon
An address delivered at Asbury Theological Seminary chapel service, Michael Pasquarello
An address delivered at Asbury Theological Seminary chapel service, Steve Martyn
An address delivered at Asbury Theological Seminary chapel service, Marilyn Elliot
An address delivered at Asbury Theological Seminary chapel service, Ellen L. Marmon
An address delivered at Asbury Theological Seminary chapel service, Marcus Green
An address delivered at Asbury Theological Seminary Chapel service, John David Walt
An address delivered at Asbury Theological Seminary chapel service, 2006, Apr.26, John David Walt
An address delivered at Asbury Theological Seminary Chapel service, (2007, Dec. 12), Maxie Dunnam
An address delivered at Asbury Theological Seminary Chapel service, (2007, Oct. 3), Allen Hoskyn
An address delivered at Asbury Theological Seminary chapel service, ( 2008, Mar. 12), John David Walt
An address delivered at Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus Chapel service, James Miller
An address delivered at Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus Chapel service, J. Steven Harper
An address delivered at Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus Chapel service, J. Steven Harper
An address delivered at Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus Chapel service, J. Steven Harper
An address delivered at Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus Chapel service, Wayne Felton
An address delivered at the Asbury Theological Seminary chapel service, Don Mowat
An address delivered at the Asbury Theological Seminary chapel service, John David Walt
An address delivered at the Asbury Theological Seminary chapel service, John David Walt
An address delivered at the Asbury Theological Seminary chapel service, Erin Crisp
An address delivered at the Asbury Theological Seminary chapel service, Ben Witherington
An address delivered at the Asbury Theological Seminary Chapel Service, (2006, April 15), Brian Rhea
An address delivered at the Asbury Theological Seminary chapel service, 2008, Dec. 3, Steve Peyton
An address delivered at the Asbury Theological Seminary chapel service, 2008, Feb. 8, John David Walt
An address delivered at the Asbury Theological Seminary chapel service, 2008, Oct. 16, John David Walt
An address delivered at the Asbury Theological Seminary chapel service, 2008, Oct. 9, John David Walt
An address delivered at the Asbury Theological Seminary chapel service, 2008, Sept. 2, John David Walt
An address delivered at the Asbury Theological Seminary chapel service, 2013, Apr. 2, Timothy Tennent
An address delivered at the Asbury Theological Seminary chapel service, 2013, October 16, Julian Goddard
An address delivered at the Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus chapel service, Hugo Magallanes
An address delivered at the Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus chapel service, J. Steven Harper
An address delivered at the Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus chapel service, Hugo Magallenes
An address delivered at the Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus chapel service, Robert G. Tuttle
An address delivered at the Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus chapel service, James Jenkins
An address delivered at the Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus chapel service, Hugo Magallanes
An address delivered at the Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus chapel service, Maxie D. Dunnam
An address delivered at the Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus Chapel service, J. Steven Harper
An address delivered at the Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus Chapel service, J. Steven Harper
An address delivered at the Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus chapel service, Brinda LeBleu
An address delivered at the Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus chapel service, Jeffrey E. Greenway
An address delivered at the Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus chapel service, Tapiwa N. Mucherera
An address delivered at the Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus Chapel service, J. Ellsworth Kalas
An address delivered at the Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus Chapel service, J. Ellsworth Kalas
An address delivered at the Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus Chapel service, Zaida Perez
An address delivered at the Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus Chapel service, Brian D. Russell
An address delivered at the Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus Chapel service, J. Ellsworth Kalas
An address delivered at the Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus Chapel service, Lyle W. Dorsett
An address delivered at the Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus chapel service, 2007, Oct. 2, Bill Haugaard
An address delivered at the Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus chapel servie, 2006, Apr. 13, Jeffrey E. Greenway
An address delivered at the Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus chapel servie, 2007, Oct. 1, Asbury Theological Seminary
An address delivered at the Asbury Theological Seminary Freitas Lectures, 2013, Mar. 19, Rick Dunn
An address delivered at the Asbury Theological Seminary Minister's Conference, 2013, Mar. 6, Marilyn Elliott
An address delivered at the Asbury Theological Seminary Theta Phi Lectures, 2013, Mar. 12, Andrew Finlay Walls
An address delivered at the Asbury Theological Seminary Theta Phi Lectures, 2013, Mar. 13, Andrew Finlay Walls
An Address delivered at the Dinkins Lectures, Edward P. Wimberly
An address delivered at the Kingdom Conference, Frank Reynosa
An address delivered at the Kingdom Conference, Frank Reynosa
An address delivered at the Theta Phi lectures, 2006, Oct. 3, Jerry L. Walls
An adress delivered at the Asbury Theological Seminary chapel service, John David Walt
An adress delivered at the Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus chapel service, Kandace Brooks
An adress delivered at the Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus chapel service, Victor Gooden
An adress delivered at the Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus chapel service, Nadine Richmond
An adress delivered at the Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus chapel service, Steven J. Harper
An adress delivered at the Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus chapel service, Wayne Becker
Analysis of Spiritual Formation Practices in DMiss Cohorts, Elizabeth "Betsy" Glanville
An analysis and evaluation of the concept of righteousness as used in Korea within the religions of Buddhism, Confucianism, Shamanism and Wesleyan-Arminian Christianity, Timothy J. Mercer
An apostolic leadership model that enables pastors to develop a passion to reach the unchurched, Charles C. Kyker
Ancient/future preaching, Lester Ruth
Ancient/future preaching, Lester Ruth
And their eyes were opened : a study in the spiritual formation benefits of weekly word and table worship, Joseph L. Boysel
An equipping model applied to Valley Chapel Free Methodist Church, Todd Wayne Daningburg
An evaluation of faith-sharing training in a United Methodist congregation, Glenn Lewis Myers Jr.
An evaluation of the Christian Believer Study as a tool for discipleship and life transformation, George M. Wasson
An evaluation of the use of "interest-based resolution" training to help Park Springs Bible Church mediate interpersonal conflict, Daryl D. Wilson
An in-ministry training program for probationary pastors of the Florida Conference, United Methodist Church, Donna Bartleson Manwaring
An Introduction to First & Second Thessalonians: The Message of Christ in Turmoil and Tranquility: A Formational and Theological Interpretation, R. Jeffrey Hiatt
An Introduction to Romans, A Christian Missionary Letter: A Formational and Theological Interpretation, R. Jeffrey Hiatt
Anne and Janice Mathews, grandaugthers of ESJ as young children in matching plaid skirts
Anne, Janet and Stanley Mathews as children
Anne Mathews, ESJ's grandaughter playing in the snow
An observation of the impact of a confirmation class upon the spiritual formation of early-adolescent youth, Kurt Frederick Oheim
An older ESJ talking to a young man
A one-on-many mentoring leadership model in the Central Missionary Church in MaringĆ”, ParanĆ”, Brazil, Carlos Alexandre de Oliveira
A preliminary study of the grief process in birth mothers relinquishing infants for adoption, Wayne L. Norman Jr.
A project for evangelism by the churches in the post-Communist republic of Macedonia, Kitan Petreski
A revitalization strategy for Central New York United Methodist Churches, Robert J. Norrix
Ariel view of church where German Ashram was held showing cars in car park
Ariel view of church where German Ashram was held showing surrounding forest and mountains
Ariel view of church where the German Ashram was held
Arthur Delbert Rice, Jr. : pursuit of shalom: encompassing care of creation in mission in the Philippines, Eun Joo Lee
Asbury at Worship, Beeson Pastors
Asbury at Worship - 10/22/98, N/A N/A
Asbury at Worship - 10/23/98, N/A N/A
Asbury at Worship - 10/3/97, N/A N/A
Asbury at Worship - 3/26/98, N/A N/A
Asbury at Worship - 3/27/98, N/A N/A
Asbury at Worship - Beeson Lectures, Frank Harrington
Asbury at Worship - Dr. Sam Kamaleson, Sam Kamaleson
Asbury at Worship - Eta Beta Rho, Daniel Block
Asbury at Worship - Fall Forum, Evelyn Laycock
Asbury at Worship - Fall Forum, Evelyn Laycock
Asbury at Worship - Lecture, C.K. Barrett
Asbury at Worship - Ryan Lectures, N A
Asbury Theological Seminary Chapel - Bishop Richard Looney, Richard Looney
Asbury Theological Seminary Chapel - Rev. Hadden Robinson, Hadden Robinson
Asbury Theological Seminary Chapel service, Joe Castillo
Asbury Theological Seminary chapel service, William Hossler
Asbury Theological Seminary chapel service, Ellen L. Marmon
Asbury Theological Seminary chapel service, Jim Wallis
Asbury Theological Seminary chapel service, J. Ellsworth Kalas
Asbury Theological Seminary chapel service, Linda Stratford
Asbury Theological Seminary chapel service, Chris Coleman
Asbury Theological Seminary chapel service, Graham W. P. McFarlane
Asbury Theological Seminary chapel service, Kiem-Kiok Kwa
Asbury Theological Seminary chapel service, 2006, Sept. 20, Steve Martyn
Asbury Theological Seminary Chapel service, (2007, May 16), J. Ellsworth Kalas
Asbury Theological Seminary Chapel service, (2007, Oct. 31), Will Samson and Lisa Samson
Asbury Theological Seminary Chapel service, (2007, Sept. 12), Marilyn Elliott
Asbury Theological Seminary Communion Service, John David Walt
Asbury Theological Seminary Communion service, 2006, Oct. 25, William E. Pannell
Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus Chapel Service, Riley Short
Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus Chapel Service, Steven J. Harper
Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus Chapel Service, Gene Chambers
Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus Chapel Service, Thomas Buchan
Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus Chapel Service, Betsy Ouellette
Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus Chapel Service, Bill T. Arnold
Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus Chapel Service, Phillip Barkley
Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus Chapel service, James Howe
Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus Chapel service, Ellsworth J. Kalas
Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus Chapel service, Jose Hernandez
Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus Chapel service, J. Steven Harper
Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus Chapel service, Hugo Magallanes
Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus Chapel service, Kandace Brooks
Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus Chapel service, Anne Burkholder
Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus Chapel service, Radolph Bracy
Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus Chapel service, Javier Sierra
Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus Chapel service, Kandace Brooks
Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus Chapel service, Russell W. West
Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus Chapel service, (2006, Nov. 14), David Dodge
Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus Chapel service, (2006, Nov. 2), James Hampton
Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus Chapel service, (2006, Nov. 7), J. Ellsworth Kalas
Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus Chapel service, (2006, Oct. 17), Marcus Matthews
Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus Chapel service, (2006, Oct. 26), Lizette M. Acosta
Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus Chapel service, (2006, Oct. 31), Wayne Wiatt
Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus Chapel service, (2007, Mar. 8), Steven J. Harper
Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus Chapel service, (2007, May 10), Garwood Anderson
Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus Chapel service, (2007, Sept. 18), Brian Russell
Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus Chapel service, (2007, Sept. 25), Betsy McKeeby
Asbury Theological Seminary Florida Campus Communion Service, Claude Solano
A Selection from The Pedagogy of St. Paul: Forward, Introduction, Chapters 1-2, Bibliography, Herman Harrell Horne Ph.D. and Howard Tillman Kuist
A servant leadership model for the church of Brazil, Anselmo Francisco do Amaral
A six-week sermon series : changing attitudes toward personal stewardship and financial planning, Stephen Gary Price
A spiritual formation curriculum for Oakland City University, Ray Gene Barber
Assessing marital closeness of Christian married couples through communication instruction in the local church, Nina Lagreeta Davis Conner
Assessing the church-based Bible institutes and master's commission programs of Assemblies of God churches in the Great Lakes region, Donald F. Williams
Assessment of marital satisfaction in the Church of God in Izhevsk, Russian, Ilya Anatolyevich Okhotnikov
A strategy for transforming St. James United Methodist Church: a study in the relationship between church growth and church health, David Wesley Kofahl
A study of an educational practice in the Church of God (Holiness), Gayle Woods
A study of church health and growth at Creekside Community Church, Christopher Allen Jarrett
A study of the impact of a community building workshop on the sense of community of First United Methodist Church of Alexander City, Alabama, Lewis Hunt Archer
A study of the practice of intercessory prayer by short-term mission participants of the Hong Kong Evangelical Church, Yuet San Kwan
A study of the transition of Free Methodist Clergy into the military chaplaincy, E. Dean Cook
A study of the use of the altar in the Church of the Nazarene, USA, Edward Lee Estep
A Trinitarian ontological approach to the congregational revitalization of Loudsville United Methodist Church, John Eugene Heckman
Attendees at ESJ's burial in Bishops Lot, Baltimore, MD, 1973
Attendees at ESJ's funeral held in Clara Swain chapel, India
Attendees carrying ESJ's ashes for burial in Bishops Lot, Baltimore, MD, 1973 photo1
Attendees carrying ESJ's ashes for burial in Bishops Lot, Baltimore, MD, 1973 photo2
Attendees carrying ESJ's ashes for burial in Bishops Lot, Baltimore, MD, 1973 photo3
Attendees carrying ESJ's ashes for burial in Bishops Lot, Baltimore, MD, 1973 photo4
At the feet of Jesus, Rurel Ausley
Attitudes toward sexuality and spiritual well-being among Nazarene pastors in the English-speaking Caribbean, Rhonda L. Carrim
Attracting and assimilating the unchurched in the 21st century, David Duane Durey
Autobiography of Bishop Henry Clay Morrison, H.C. Morrison and George H. Means
A Wesleyan Theology of Cultural Competency, Esther D. Jadhav
A Yoderian Appraisal of Latin American Liberation Theology, Daniel Castelo
Beating the odds: successfully following a long-term pastor, Richard A. Danielson
Becoming a Christian in the Churches of Christ in Christian Union, David L. Lattimor
Becoming a five star church, Jeffrey T. Johnson
Becoming a Missional Worshipping Community, Brian D. Russell
Beeson Institute: "Developing Culture", Wayne Cordeiro
Beeson Institute: "Meet the Champions", Christopher T. Heckaman
Beeson Institute: "The New Hope Story", Wayne Cordeiro
Beeson Institute: "The New Hope Story", Wayne Cordeiro
Before contextualization, critical incarnational living: a study in discovering appropriate Southern Baptist missionary church planting roles among Chinese Malaysians, Bryan K. Galloway
Biblical Hermeneutics in an African Context, Alan John Meenan
Biblical interpretation and the shaping of religious worlds: a study of Bible study for critical contextualization, Mark J. Hatcher
Bioethics and the local church, James Thobaben
Bioethics and the local church, James Thobaben
Bishop J M Springer and church leaders in the Congo, 1960s
Book Reviews, Bernhard Lang, John H. Choi, Bill T. Arnold, Robert W. Yarbrough, Marc A. Clauson, Max Turner, Ruth Anne Reese, Harold Greenlee, Fred Sanders, Lester Ruth, Marc A. Clauson, Chuck Gutenson, Thomas F. Tumblin, Barry W. Hamilton, Marc A. Clauson, Chuck Gutenson, Ben Devan, Fred Sanders, Marc A. Clauson, and W. Brian Shelton
BOOK REVIEWS, John H. Choi, Bill T. Arnold, Bill T. Arnold, James K. Mead, Duane Watson, J. Steven O'Malley, J. Steven O'Malley, Christine D. Pohl, Randy L. Maddox, and J. Steven O'Malley
Book Reviews, Nathan Crawford, Frederick Long, David J. Zucker, Jeremy B. Griffin, Luke Allen, Robert A. Danielson, Ryan K. Griffin, Benjamin D. Espinoza, J J. Henderson, Jeremiah K. Garrett, Steven Lane, Charles Meeks, David Bundy, Robert Baker, and Jeff Hiatt
Braveheart pastors : the role of courage in a pastor's ability to lead the local church effectively, Timothy James Farrell
Brer Rabbit is dying: the demise of traditional morality among the Kikuyu people of Kenya and an effort to reclaim it, Dewey O. Huston
Brief autobiography of George B. Ellis - life and conversion
Brief autobiography of George B. Ellis - life and conversion (back)
Building a firm foundation: collaborative visioning with a church plant core group, Bruce Lee Emmert
Building community through small groups, part C, Dale Galloway
Call waiting : the young clergy crisis in the United Methodist Church, David Thomas Rittgers
Celtic spirituality : a means toward experiencing God's presence, William Sidney Parks
Chapel, Robert Stamps
Chapel, Phillip Richardson
Chapel, Wesley Putnam
Chapel, Devin Brown
Chapel, Timothy C. Tennent
Chapel, Robert Stamps
Chapel, Maxie Dunnam
Chapel, Stanley D. Walters
Chapel, Jorge Acevedo
Chapel, Jonathan Lawson
Chapel, Dennis F. Kinlaw
Chapel - Desert Day, N A
Chapel - Prayer in My Life, Ellsworth Kalas
Characters of compassion : becoming more like the master, Gregory Wray McClain
Charismatic Prophecy as Loyal Opposition in the Second-Century Church, Ted A. Campbell
Choir boy photo of George Ellis
Choir boy photo of George Ellis (back)
Christ and the changing world, W. J. Noble
Christ at our Table, Robert J. Stamps
Christian communication in the twenty-first century: patterns and principles relative to the effective use of internet-based communications, Kenneth Lynn Lewis
Christian leader as overcomer through principled story, John Edgar Caterson
Christians in a strange land, David R. Bauer
Christmas card featuring Anne and Janice Mathews, grandaughters of ESJ, 1949
Chrysostom: the orator, John Heston Willey
Church and clergy revitalization seen through the lens of Luther's theology of the cross, John David Roth
Church for the never churched: a study of effective ministry areas for evangelizing people without a background in the Christian faith, Thomas Glenn Jackson
Church growth and evangelism in Haiti: needs, problems, and methods, Clinton Eugene Lain
Church growth through indigenous urban church planting in the Korean Nazarene Church, Ki Young Hong
Church planting: Dealing with our fears, Jan Biddulph and Howard Biddulph
Church planting in Sweden in the 21st century: a model for new Methodist churches, Peter Svanberg
Church planting programs of five similar-sized denominations in the United States, Dennis Duane Powell
Church renewal for Kentucky United Methodism?: evaluating the Purpose-Driven ChurchĀ® Network pilot, James Cole Wofford
Colossians 4:14-18 and 1 Thessalonians 1:1-13, 1598 Geneva Bible
Colossians 4:7-19 and 1 Thessalonians 1:1-8, Codex Vaticanus B
Comfortable Chri$tianity, Sandra Gray
Comfort and guidance from God: a study of the use of dreams as a means to spiritual growth, James W. Stevens
Coming to the big kids' table, Dan Lewis
Communitas, Alan Hirsch
Connecting Cultures for Christ, Grace Cajiuat
ConserjerĆa: una ExpresiĆ³n del Ministerio de la Iglesia, Javier Sierra
Constructing faith cultures: catechumenal evangelism in the early church, early Methodism and Alpha, Tory Baucum
Construction of Nur Manzil Psychiatric Center
Contemporary worship as a tool for deepening baby boomers' spiritual well-being, Randy H. Rowlan
Contextualized training for missionaries: a Brazilian model, Donald K. Finley
Controversies of Paul New Testament Colloquium, C. K. Barrett
Corne and crucifixes: an analysis of animistic elements in Italian folk Catholicism, Raymond K. Smith
Correspondence of Roger Hedlund: Sat Tal Conference 1987, Roger Hedlund
Cosmic reasons to believe in Christ, Hugh Ross
Counseling: an Expression of the Ministry of the Church, Javier Sierra
Courage to Lead an Outward Focused Church, Steve Sjogren
Covenant & community (NSO), Sandra Richter
Crossing the great divide: syncretism or contextualization in Christian worship, Cori McMillin Waisanen
Crowd gathered outside St Andrew's Cathedral, Singapore to hear ESJ preach
Cultivating missional leadership characteristics through a small group spiritual formation program for pastors, David John Cooke
Cultural Bias in Missionary Education: The Unintentional Dynamic of Trained Incapacity, Birgit Herppich
Curriculum for preaching in the North Caucasus Bible Institute, Vitality Bok
Del Editor, Robert Danielson
Delighting in the Lord: A Biographical Sketch, with Featured Messages, of Elizabeth Morrison (Aunt Betty), Elizabeth (Betty) Morrison, J.C. McPheeters, and John Paul
De los Archivos: A. A. Allen en Cuba (De la ColecciĆ³n de Sanidad Carver), Robert Danielson
Developing a model for planting multiethnic churches in the diaspora : a case for Zimbabwean reverse missionaries in Britain, Anderson Moyo
Developing a model to motivate and teach new members to do relational evangelism, Joseph R. MacLaren Jr.
Developing and implementing a Christian marriage enrichment program for Chinese immigrants, David J. Wu
Developing and testing receptivity to a purpose-driven organizational structure for the Pillar of Fire, Robert W. Cruver
Developing an effective preaching ministry for urban pastors in the Philippines, Winston C. Reyes
Developing Christ-formed families by cultivating the Fruit of the Spirit in the home, Norman Andrew Hubbard
Developing pastors' understanding and practice on biblical financial stewardship: the key to impacting the growth of the Bible Christian Fellowship Church of Indonesia, Tandi Frederik Randa
Developing the foundation for a manual of pastoral counselor formation in Indonesia, Totok Soemartho Wiryasaputra
Developing visionary, transformational leadership within the Southern New Jersey Annual Conference, Lewis James Hiserote
Discerning Segment Boundaries within John 1:19-4:54, Joseph R. Dongell
Discipleship in the shadow of change: tradition, modernity and discipleship in the Bakongo context, Ruth Sterneman Julian
Discipling teachers : a foundational church school growth principle, Harold W. Custer
Does God Know The Future? Can God Be Mistaken?: A Reply To Richard Swinburne, Laurence W. Wood
Does the church go through the great tribulation?, W. H. Hubbard
Do I really need God?, James Hampton
Earthly food at the heavenly banquet: a new model for an evangelical protestant inculturation-contextualization of holy communion in global mission, Robert A. Danielson
Editorial, Laurence W. Wood
Ed Terpstra and Alfred Vandenheuve reading a book by ESJ on the Day of the Religious Book, Amsterdam
Effective evangelistic strategies for North Korean defectors (talbukmin) in South Korea, Chaneung Jung
Einleitung in die drei ersten Evangelien ; Das Evangelium Marci ; Das Evangelium Matthaei ; Das Evangelium Lucae, Julius Wellhausen
Elementary New Testament Greek, Joseph R. Dongell
El Papel Esencial de la Comunidad Laica en la RenovaciĆ³n: Un Estudio Sobre MisiĆ³n Cristiana Elim, Robert Danielson and Mario Vega
Empowering effective fathering through an informational-relational model of local church men's ministry, Thomas Owen Palmer
Empowering Methodist laity in South India for effective ministry, Samuel John Royappa
Encountering the son of God: discipleship transformation through a journey in the Gospel of Matthew, Frederick Henry Merkes
Engaging in Pneumatic Mission Praxis, Robert L. Gallagher
En route to our future, Timothy C. Tennent
Epiphany, John David Walt
Equipping the saints: developing vocation in the laity, Kevin Lynn Thomas
Equipping the saints through a strengths-based ministry process, Christopher Mark Howlett
ESJ after fishing at Panna Lake, Sat Tal, 1969
ESJ and a holding a boy at the Blue Ridge Ashram
ESJ and Bishop Stockwell and Pedro Zottele in Chile, 1961
ESJ and Father Lazarus with a group of Indians at the Sat Tal Ashram, 1969
ESJ and group at St Thomas Church, 1956
ESJ and group in Visakhapatnam, 1968
ESJ and Jesse Bader of the Federal Council, 1941
ESJ and J T Seamands with a group at Siev, Borneo
ESJ and J T Seamands with a group of Japanese people, 14 Dec 1961
ESJ and Mabel Jones in Clayton, Iowa
ESJ and Malvea Family at Sat Tal, India, 1969
ESJ and Mary Webstier Salvation Army offices outdoors in Japan
ESJ and Mr and Mrs Nilssn showing up sign for Jesus is Lord, 1971
ESJ and Sister Arbie holding up sign for Jesus is Lord
ESJ and Sister Lillaat at Sat Tal Ashram, India
ESJ and the ashram participants departing from Sat Tal
ESJ and the Kanto Ashram participants, Amagi Sanso Japan, 1971
ESJ and Tokiko Sato and Mr Kubota
ESJ and translator preaching at Finnish Ashram
ESJ and two other men at Finnish Ashram holding up sign for Jesus is Lord
ESJ at Finland Ashram Discussing tract, 1963
ESJ at Green Lake, Wisconsin Ashram
ESJ at Kanto Area Ashram, Hatonosu Lodge, Japan, 23-24 May 1970
ESJ at Kanto Area Ashram, Hatonosu Lodge, Japan, 23-24 May 1970 - overlay with names
ESJ at Keuka College Ashram, 1959, group photo
ESJ at Panna Lake Sat Tal, India
ESJ collecting his catch of fish
ESJ, Dr Hayden Sears and Rev Robert H Simpson in Mesa, Arizona
ESJ during the work hour at an Ashram
ESJ featured in Martin Luther King Jr's Museum, 1998
ESJ fishing in Panna Lake on a boat, Sat Tal, India, 1969
ESJ Funeral in India with many nurses and staff af Nur Manzil psychiatric center present
ESJ having a meal at the Christian Serviceman's Center in Sasebo,Nagasaki, Japan
ESJ holding books or Bibles, printed1955
ESJ holding up sign for Jesus is Lord at Finland Ashram
ESJ holding up sign for Jesus is Lord at St Mary's Ohio Ashram, 1966
ESJ in group photo at Finnish Ashram
ESJ in group photo with the Finnish Ashram al holding up sign "Jesus is Lord", 1963
ESJ in group portrait with W Meeks
ESJ in Indian dress giving an autograph at Blue Ridge, North Carolina, 1940
ESJ in Japanese dress and reviewing his notebook
ESJ in large family reunion photograph
ESJ in large family reunion photograph (right view)
ESJ in outdoor group photo with the Californian Ashram
ESJ in San Anselmo, CA, seated outdoors in front of a cross
ESJ interviewed by Television Three News Report
ESJ, Jimmie Fauke and Jean Anne Gish at Saugatuck Ashram, Michigan, USA
ESJ, Mary Webster and Tom Carruth with Japanese Group
ESJ outdoors and holding a Bible in his hand
ESJ pictured outdoors with a group of Singaporean men
ESJ pictured outdoors with some of the Japanese people at Kyoto, Fukko Japan
ESJ pictured with a group of children
ESJ pictured with a group of men
ESJ pictured with Mrs Carver and Mary Webster
ESJ preaching at Finnish Ashram
ESJ preaching in Altoona Pennsylvania, 1970
ESJ preaching in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 1950
ESJ preaching in Kyoto, Fukko, Japan with a translator
ESJ preaching in Kyoto, Fukko, Japan with a translator with a clearer view of the attendees
ESJ preaching in Morioka Japan, 1964
ESJ preaching outdoors at St Andrew's Cathedral, Singapore
ESJ preaching outdoors at the German Ashram
ESJ, Rev and Mrs Onie Kays, J C Tunstill, secretary of Epworth Church , at airport
ESJ's body being carried into the Clara Swain chapel
ESJ's body being carried out on the East Wing Veranda - Bareilly India
ESJ's body lying in the chapel
ESJ's funeral - body loaded up on hearse to crematorium
ESJ's funeral - procession leaving chapel
ESJ shaking hands with Dr Peter Wong
ESJ sharing a laugh at the Menucha Ashram, Oregon
ESJ signing an autograph for a young man in Japan
ESJ's last visit to Helena and Bobby Wagner
ESJ's prayer desk made from the prayer rail he prayed to receive Christ
ESJ standing outside the Nur-Manzil Psychiatric Center in India that he helped found
ESJ talking to a few Asian men
ESJ traveling - holding up sign for Jesus is Lord
ESJ visiting Kyoto Fukko, Japan
ESJ visits Nykarleby at Finland Ashram, 1963 - man showing him reports of Apartheid problems
ESJ visits Nykarleby at Finland Ashram, 1963 - showing poster of Jesus as the Word became flesh
ESJ with 2 ladies holding up sign for Jesus is Lord at Finland Ashram
ESJ with 2 men holding up sign for Jesus is Lord at Finland Ashram
ESJ with 2 older ladies holding up sign for Jesus is Lord at Finland Ashram
ESJ with a new group of converts in India
ESJ with Bishop and Mrs Kim outside a church
ESJ with Bishop Odd Hagen, president of the World Methodist Council, Oslo, Norway
ESJ with C.T. Vererjopala and Rev J C B Baleram
ESJ with C.T. Vererjopala and Rev J C B Baleram
ESJ with Elsa and Tage Olsson holding up sign for Jesus is Lord
ESJ with group at Sat Tal Ashram Chapel, India, 1960
ESJ with group of Asian pastors
ESJ with Japanese Group in Nakayama
ESJ with Japanese interpreter, 1958
ESJ with members of the Association for a United Church in Wellesley, Massachusettes, 1968
ESJ with mission truck in Congo, 1965
ESJ with Rev and Mrs Kirkpatrick
ESJ with Rev Grier and Rev Uhara at Wakayama Train Station, Japan
ESJ with Sister Liland and others
ESJ with the Cibu City Hi-Y Men's Fellowship, 15 Feb 1949
ESJ with the Griev family (Norman (L), Stephen (R) and a little girl), 1953
ESJ with the principal of True Light Middle School in Hong Kong, Ho Chung Chung and Rev John Ma
Estelle Carver - Anglican Bible Teacher
Esuchando al Oyente Hispano(a)/Latino(a) del SermĆ³n el los EEUU, Danny RomĆ”n-Gloro
Eunice and Bishop James Mathews
Eunice Mathews, grandaughter of ESJ with Professor Ahmed Shahat at Sat Tal Ashram, India, 1978
Eunice Mathews, grandaughter of ESJ with Sushila Lance, wife of Bishop Lance
Evaluating the presence and importance of selected principles for nurturing volunteers among youth ministries considered effective, James Dunaway Moye Jr.
Evaluating the sustainability of inner healing as evidenced by transformed lives through Christ, reflecting new behavior, Sharon L. Gottfried Lewis
Evaluation of a ministry formation group for increasing laity intrinsic religious orientation, Brodrick A. Hoyer
Evaluation of an elder-leader training course for an upper-middle class church in Santiago, Chile, Michael John Strecker
Evaluation of the basic theological education course and its impact on the preaching skills of lay pastors, Stephen Joseph
Evangelism from a Global Perspective, Robert G. Tuttle
Evangelism from global perspective, Robert G. Tuttle
Evening worship, Zan W. Holmes
Exodus 16, Jason Jackson
Exodus and sanctification, Brian D. Russell
Exodus and sanctification, Brian D. Russell
Exploring the possibilities of using lisanga small groups in disciple-making among the Avalogoli people of Kenya, Nebert A. Mtange
Exploring the possibilities of using lisanga small groups in disciple-making among the Avalogoli people of Kenya, Nebert A. Mtange
Extreme Makeover, Steve Hillis
Facilitating participatory team leadership in a local church setting with an Episcopal tradition, Marvin J. Hudson
Factors leading visionary entrepreneurial laity to start new ministries, Andrew J. Cooney
Faculty and staff chapel, 2007 part 1, J. Ellsworth Kalas
Fall 2014 Complete Issue, David R. Bauer Ph.D. and Fredrick Long
Families at risk, Donald M. Joy
Filipino group life: a contextual study of small groups in Free Methodist congregations, David Warren Clemente
Financial Documents of Roger Hedlund: CGAI 1979-1980, Roger Hedlund
Financial Documents of Roger Hedlund: CGAI Budget 1981, Roger Hedlund
Financial Documents of Roger Hedlund: CGRC Audit 1978 + 1980, Roger Hedlund
Financial Documents of Roger Hedlund: CGRC-CGAI Budget 1984-1985, Roger Hedlund
Finding home: envisioning church ministry to left-behind families of overseas Filipino workers (OFWs), Andy S. Ponce
"Fired Up or Burn Out Part 1", Bob Tuttle Jr.
Forgiveness of sins: or, God reconciled in Christ, Henry Law
Formed by the word: biblical narrative preaching as a means of cultivating holiness of heart and life, Marshall MacClellan
Formissional worship: curriculum design and delivery, Gregory B. Rosser
"For the sake of Jerusalem, the city which I have chosen:" on the Lord's choice of Zion/Jerusalem and its development in the Old Testament, David Schreiner
Founders Day Service, J. C. McPheeters and Frank Bateman Stanger
Four generations and visionary change : a case study of Canyon First United Methodist greater unity in the midst of sixty-seven percent growth, Richard J. Bales
From caudillo to collaborative leader : a culturally influenced derailment in emergent leadership in an Ecuadorian denomination, Randall S. Coleman
From teflon to velcro: assimilating newcomers into Faithbridge United Methodist Church, E. Kenneth Werlein
From the Archives: A. A. Allen in Cuba (From the Carver Healing Collection), Robert Danielson
From the "church for" to the "church with" : a study of diaspora missions in South Korea, Yuno Kim
From the Editor, Robert Danielson
From the Editors, Fredrick Long
From the Editors: Introduction to the Inaugural Issue, David R. Bauer and Fredrick J. Long
From the Pulpit to Perdition, Henry Clay Morrison
Front and side mug shots of George Ellis as a convict
Front and side mug shots of George Ellis as a convict (back)
Funeral service for ESJ in Clara Swain chapel, India
Gathering a crowd for a first service launch, Edwin Dale Locke
General Douglas MacArthur and Family in a Motorcade
Genie and Ellen in recording studio
George B. Ellis and a cornetist leaning on the back of a horse-drawn cart
George B. Ellis and a cornetist leaning on the back of a horse-drawn cart (Back)
George B. Ellis and Joseph Dooma
George B. Ellis and Joseph Dooma (back)
George B. Ellis - Autobiographical Tract, Asbury Theological Seminary .
George B. Ellis handing out tracts at street meeting in New York City
George B. Ellis handing out tracts at street meeting in New York City (Back)
George B. Ellis singing from the back of a horse-drawn cart
George B. Ellis singing from the back of a horse-drawn cart (Back)
George B. Ellis with A. W. Lamar, DD
George B. Ellis with A. W. Lamar, DD (Back)
George Ellis after his conversion, witnessiing and singing in street meeting in New York City
George Ellis after his conversion, witnessiing and singing in street meeting in New York City (Back)
Getting past our sins and to something more interesting, Robert J. Stamps
God's Dirty Hands, Timothy C. Tennent
God's word in front of the devil, Robert Stamps
God will be all in all, Ruth Anne Reese
Graduate chapel, Katie Grover
Graduates' Chapel, Bauta Motty
Graduates' chapel, Shawn Smith
Graduates' chapel, Asbury Theological Seminary
Graduation celebration chapel, Timothy Tennent
Gray is Good for the Church Part 2, Harold Burgess
Grduate chapel, Davod Dorn
Great Books and Missionary Fictions, Daniel Born
Great Commission, C. K. Barrett
Great works - really?, Bryan D. Sims
Group of nine sailors representing Vermont Society of the Floating Societies of Christian Endeavor
Group photo of ESJ and spiritual center committee at Hubly, 1966
Group picture of Japanese people in Miyazaki, Japan, 1954
Growing in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and humanity: holistic Christian mentoring with a small group component, David Paul Koppel
Growing places : an exploratory study of lay leadership development in the local church, Craig Taylor
Growing the devotional life through the spiritual disciplines of silence and solitude, Timothy James Clemons
Growing together in Christ: facilitating spiritual maturity through marital enhancement, Ronnie Neal Burton
Guide to holiness and revival miscellany: volume XXIV, H. V. Degen
Haman's gallow, Robert W. Duncan Jr.
Healing Communion Service, Jeffrey E. Greenway
Healthier officers, healthier corps: a study of Salvation Army corps officers' spiritual renewal as a means of congregational renewal, Grant Sandercock-Brown
Healthy, Winning Staff Teams Module 5: Releasing a Staff Member the Right Way, Don Reiland
Hearing the Divine Word in the Post-Modern Situation, Thomas Oden
He is able, Paul Rader
"Hell" as a Translation in the Hebrew Bible: de-Hellenizing the KJV and NKJV Old Testaments, W. Creighton Marlowe
He loves the immigrant: Deuteronomy's theological and social vision for the ger, Mark Abraham Awabdy
Holiness Through the Ages: An Historical Reader of Christian Writers on Holiness,, Robert E. Coleman, Robert A. Danielson, and Faith E. Parry
Holiness Week, Dennis Kinlaw
Holiness: Wholeness for the "Holey", Lawson Grant Stone
Holiness: Wholeness for the "Holey", Lawson Grant Stone
Holiness: Wholeness for the "Holey", Lawson Grant Stone
How rapidly growing churches leverage financial resources to maintain or increase rates of growth, Ken Diehm
Hymnodies of the Wesleys, Albin C. Whitworth and Donald E. Demaray
Hymnodies of the Wesleys, Albin C. Whitworth and Donald E. Demaray
I am my beloved's: increasing intimacy with Jesus through the Song of Solomon and classical spiritual disciplines, Eugene A. Maddox
Ichthus '99 - Big Group Training Altar Ministry, N A
Identifying and equipping intercessors for prayer evangelism at Trinity United Methodist Church, Lawrence Huston Potts
āIf Only They Knewā: Preparing Cross-Cultural Missionaries for Service in Latin America, Rachel L. Coleman
Images of the Church in I Corinthians and I Timothy: An Exercise in Canonical Hermeneutics, Eugene E. Lemcio
Implementing a Biblical model of leadership through the 3L vision leader of leaders of leaders, Eduardo Drachenberg
In But Not Of the World: The Confluence of Wisdom and Torah In the Solomon Story (I Kings I-II), Frank Anthony Spina
Incarnational Mission, Graham Cray
Increasing assimilation and decreasing attrition through the development of a lay ministry and congregational care program, Robin B. Scott
Increasing the holistic small group factor of Evangelical United Methodist Church, Racine, Wisconsin, through a strategic adult Sunday school program, Creighton William Kaye
Indian women attending a handiwork class at Bareilly Seminary, India
Inductive Bible Study, Divine Revelation, and Canon, William J. Abraham
Infidelity exposed : The fall of Gerrit Smith; or infidelity at Peterboro, New York ; being the reprint of an article in the Presbyterian Magazine of September, 1859. Image of item, Presbyterian Magazine
In search of shared, transcendent vision: a multiple case study of three churches in the Louisiana Conference of the United Methodist Church, Mark Roland Martin
In search of unity for the Methodist Church in Indonesia, Paw Liang The
Interpretation and Structure in Joel, Thomas M. Lyons
Introduction to The Pedagogy of St. Paul, David R. Bauer Ph.D.
Involving men in the church, Dennis Edward Yocum
Is Faith in Christ a Sinful Act?, Michael Robinson
Is your husband going to kill me?, Miriam Adeney
It's all in the prepositions, Constance M. Cherry
James K Mathews and Eunice Mathews in Sat Tal, 1976
Japanese woman miraculously healed holding up sign for Jesus is Lord
Jean Wembulua - preacher in Congo with his bicylce
Jesus and the Parables: A Compelling Oral Training Tool, Kevin Olson
John Wesley's doctrine of prevenient grace in missiological perspective, Mark Royster
John Wesley's practice of using exemplary Christian lives as patterns for spiritual formation, Paul Anthony Whiteford
Joining the 4G network: God's grace and Gratitude and Generosity, Ruth Anne Reese
Journal in Entirety, Robert Danielson
"J.T. Seamands" Part 2, Memorial Service
Justice or "Just Us"? Allocating Resources in an Age of AIDS, John F. Kilner
"Khit-Pen" theological education model: a methodology for contextualizing theological education in Thailand, Dadee-en Saengwichai
Kingdom, church and world, Howard A. Snyder
Kingdom, church and world, Howard A. Snyder
Kingdom communication as a culture, Sam Kamaleson
Kingdom Conference 1993 - Jackie Pullinger, Jackie Pullinger
Kingdom Conference Banquet - 1997, ATS
Kingdom Conference - Estes Chapel, Ravi Zacharias
Kingdom Conference - Evening Banquet, Ravi Zacharias
Kingdom Conference Worship Part 1 - 1997, ATS
Kingdom Conference Worship Part 2 - 1997, ATS
Kingdom Conference Worship Part 3 - 1997, ATS
Knowing Christ, Herbert Boyd McGonigle
Lady holding urn containing ESJ's ashes at at burial service at Bishops Lot, Baltimore, MD, 1973
Lament, Laura Beach
La Revista Asbury, Robert Danielson
Late Comers Get the Full Course, Robert J. Stamps
Law of love, Marilyn Iva Elliott
Leadership behaviors and personal transitions that occur in the lives of pastors who have led churches through significant growth, Andre J. Snodgrass
Leadership training for developing the leadership in Haret El-Ballaneh Alliance Church, Lebanon, Charbel AbdulMassih Malak
Let Ralph do it: a bridge to the unchurched, Joel P. Catlin
LiberaciĆ³n compromiso: Hacia una MisionologĆa de la DiĆ”spora Latina en los Estados Unidos, Angel Santiago-Vendrell
Liberation and Engagement: Toward a U.S. Latino/a Diaspora Missiology, Angel Santiago-Vendrell
Life beyond the launch: case studies in post-launch vitality, adaptation, and identity formation of new Wesleyan congregations, Duane E. Brown
Life coaching to support growth in spiritual practices, Marilyn Iva Elliott
Listening to the US Hispanic/Latino (Latina) Sermon Listener, Danny RomƔn-Gloro
Literary Production of Roger Hedlund: Research - Calcutta, Roger Hedlund
Literary Productions of Roger Hedlund: Hindu Evangelization Lecture Part 1, Roger Hedlund
Literary Productions of Roger Hedlund: Hindu Evangelization Lecture Part 2, Roger Hedlund
Literary Productions of Roger Hedlund: Hindu Evangelization Lecture Part 3, Roger Hedlund
Living in hope and expectancy, Christina Tellechea Accornero
Living in the Last Days, Frew Tamart
Locating God in the Chaos, John Page
Lost coins in the pews, Guy Brewer
Lowering ESJ's ashes for burial at Bishops Lot, Baltimore, MD, 1973
Loyal Opposition and the Epistemology of Conscience, William J. Abraham
Loyal Opposition and the Law in the Teaching of Jesus: The Ethics of a Restorative and Utopian Eschatology, Frederick W. Schmidt
Major Structural Relationships: A Survey of Origins, Development, Classifications, and Assessment, Fredrick J. Long
Making connections: an evangelism plan for Chicago First Church of the Nazarene, David A. Baillie
Man holding urn containing ESJ's ashes at at burial service at Bishops Lot, Baltimore, MD, 1973
Man participating in reading at burial service at Bishops Lot, Baltimore, MD, 1973
Markās Inclusion of āFor all Nationsā in 11:17d and the International Vision of Isaiah, Mark A. Awabdy and Fredrick J. Long Ph.D.
Marks of Authentic Ministry, Peter John Storey
Marriage as convenant (Mark series 19), Timothy Tennent
Mary Webster holding up sign for Jesus is Lord
May Christians dance?, Jas. H. Brookes
Measuring the impact of the self-image reformation program on women pastors of Manchu Autonomous Counties (in China), Jessie Yim Han Ng
Memorial Service for Everett Nichols Hunt Jr., Various
Men's ministry: a study of leadership development in churches of the Oklahoma Conference of the United Methodist Church, Travis Todd Muse
Mentoring as a tool for leadership development in the Redeemed Christian Church of God, Nigeria, Oladimeji Babatunde
Mercy and sacrifice, John David Walt
Messiah Sing-A-Long, Asbury Theological Seminary. Dept. of Church Music
Midweek Eucharist (Mar. 8, 2006), Stephen A. Seamands
Ministry Conference 2003 - Beaux, ATS
Ministry Conference 2003 - Kalas, Ellsworth Kalas
Ministry Conference 2003 - Stone, Lawson Stone
Ministry Conference 2003 - Wednesday, ATS
Ministry Conference 2003 - Werlein, ATS
Ministry Conference 2005 - Hamilton (Part 1), Adam Hamilton
Ministry Conference 2005 - Hamilton (Part 2), Adam Hamilton
Ministry Conference 2005 - Harper, Turley, and Morgenthaler (Part 1), Steve Harper
Ministry Conference 2005 - Harper, Turley, and Morgenthaler (Part 2), Steve Harper
Ministry Conference 2005 - Richter and Witherington (Part 1), Sandra Richter and Ben Witherington
Ministry Conference 2005 - Richter and Witherington (Part 2), Sandra Richter and Ben Witherington
Ministry Conference: 3 pm Service, Margaret Therkelen
Ministry with the poor : the role of social services in Christian evangelism, Owen K. Ross
Missions involvement in the African Inland Church- Kenya, David Mulwa
Mobilizing the laity : a strategy for obtaining great numerical growth in the Wilmore Free Methodist Church, Carroll Wesley King Jr.
Monday Evening Service, Jeffrey E. Greenway
Monday evening worship, Jeffrey E. Greenway
Morning worship, Michael Pasquarello
Mountains and valleys in the ministry of Jesus, G. Campbell Morgan
Mr. R N Hayshe, Bishop Subhan and Mr B Y Khupli
Mrs Dye attends to a small boy with a bad burn at Bareilly Seminary
Musingson Two Approaches to the Study of Malcolm and Martin: A Review Article, Rufus Burrow Jr.
Muslim evangelism in Kano State of Nigeria: a case study of ECWA churches, Peter Dogo Korosi
My chains fell off: faith and recovery, Carolyn Moore
My Hospital Experience, Bud Robinson
My Journey with Inductive Bible Study, David R. Bauer Ph.D.
My story, Kevin Peak
Narrative biblical preaching that attends to learning style, Jeffrey R. Maxwell
New pastor-- new plan: strategic planning for health and growth, Alan Robinson
Newspaper clipping - interview with George Ellis "Caruso of Bowery Reviews his Past"
New student orientation, John David Walt
New student orientation, Jeffrey E. Greenway
No Fear! : Psalm 23 as a Careful, Conceptual Chiasm, W. Creighton Mariowe
No other way: improving the spirituality of lay leadership in a local United Methodist Church by instituting a regular personal devotional life in the Wesleyan context, Timo Olavi Karvonen
Nurturing men : robust discipleship and missional leadership in Canadian Chinese families and churches, Kevin Kam Cheong Hon
Nurturing Missionary Learning Communities, Richard Hibbert and Evelyn Hibbert
Older ESJ holidng up sign for Jesus is Lord
Old fire, new hope: refiring the sunday school, renew the church, R. Alan Rice
On Accurately Reflecting the Apostolic Memory, Thomas Oden
On Historical Authenticity, Historical Criticism, And Biblical Authority: Reflections On The Case Of The Book Of Joshua, Lawson G. Stone
Opening communion, John David Walt
Opening session for Netherlands Ashram
Outdoor evening vespers at Sat Tal Ashram
Outlines of sermons on the miracles and parables of the Old Testament, A London Minister
Paradox for the church: time-limited counseling tools for pastoral care, Charles Phillip Redwine
Participation: an onto-epistemology for a theology of mission for the 21st century, Peter Bellini
Pastoral behaviors that create or maintain a team learning atmosphere in the church, Bryan D. Collier
Pastoral spiritual formation, J. Steven Harper
Pastor carrying ESJ's ashes for burial in Bishops Lot, Baltimore, MD, 1973
Pastoring revival: case studies of two churches "in the river", David Norhrop Wentz
Path used for Sat Tal Ashram hikes
Peddicord and ESJ group photo at Elsie Eitlers, Dec 1933
People gathered at burial site for the burying of ESJ's ashes at Bishops Lot, Baltimore, MD, 1973
People gathered to sing at the Day of the Religious Book, Amsterdam
Personal & Corporate Discernment of God's will for 'A New Kind of Church' Part 2, Danny Morris
Personal & Corporate Discernment of God's will for 'A New Kind of Church' Part 4, Danny Morris
Personal & Corporate Discernment of God's will for 'A New Kind of Church' Part 5, Danny Morris
Personality type and the differing styles of prayer and meditation for students involved in campus ministry, Rick C. Dye
Personal salvation : studies in Christian doctrine pertaining to the spiritual life, Wilbur Tillett
Photo of ESJ and Bishop Charles Wesley Flint during a fishing trip at Lake Massawepie, 1 Aug 1950
Playing with the word: the use of participatory drama technique in the sermon, Donald R. Murray Jr.
Plugging the leak in the emerging leadership pipeline: strategies to improve the retention of new staff in YoungLife's Raceway Region, Daniel Bertram Benjamin Lewis
Portait of George Ellis, faded
Portait of George Ellis, faded (Back)
Portait of George Ellis with bow tie
Portait of George Ellis with bow tie (Back)
Portrait of a student of Leonard Theological College, Jabalpur, India, 1963
Portrait of ESJ without glasses
Portrait of George B. Ellis (Back)
Portrait of George B. Ellis - The Caruso of the Bowery
Portrait of Indira Ghandi, Prime Minister of India, taken at AICC meeting, Jabalpur, India
Portrait of portrait George B. Ellis with list of references
Portrait of portrait George B. Ellis with list of references (Back)
Possible picture of Haile Selassie, emperor of Ethiopia
Posthumous pieces of the Reverend John William de la Flechere, Melvill Horne
Post-modernity preaching, Joy J. Moore
Post-modernity preaching, Joy J. Moore
Post-modernity preaching, Joy J. Moore
Post-modernity preaching, Joy J. Moore
Post-modernity preaching, Joy J. Moore
Practice of rule of life as a tool for spiritual formation in view of ministry in union with Christ, Ethiege Upul Nishantha Silva
Practices and characteristics for pastors renewing mainline congregations: case studies from the Presbytery of Memphis, G. Christopher Scruggs
'Practicing the New Creation: Wesley's Eschatalogical Community Formed by the Means of Grace, Dean G. Blevins
Prayer from the "God side", Robert Stamps
Praying for you, Lindsey Davis
Preaching as soul care with emphasis on the effects of style, Michael Thomas Schlittler
Preaching the Christian God, Jay Moore
Preaching the Christian God, Jay Moore
Preaching the Christian God, Jay Moore
Preaching to Generation X : the embodiment of postmodernism, Matthew Christian Boda
Preparing Melanesians for Missions, Doug Hanson
Preparing the local church for a healing ministry : a unifying framework, Arthur L. Luckie
Preparing the local church to reach out to the dislocated: a case study of the Kikuku indigenious church mission to the Mao people group, Louis Matundu Zulu
President's forum for students (1982), David L. McKenna
Prince Philip of England (husband of QE2) and Dr and Mrs Martin Niemoller
Printed Material of Roger Hedlund: Central India Archive, Roger Hedlund
Printed Material of Roger Hedlund: Korku Field History, Roger Hedlund
Printed Material of Roger Hedlund: Literacy for Tribals, Roger Hedlund
Printed Material of Roger Hedlund: Reply to TRACI Seminar, Roger Hedlund
Printed Materials of Roger Hedlund: Lonely Voices Play, Roger Hedlund
Printed Materials of Roger Hedlund: Vadipatti Healing Conference 1988, Roger Hedlund
Proceedings of Roger Hedlund: Minutes and Reports CGRC-CGAI 1987-1988, Roger Hedlund
Proceedings of Roger Hedlund: Minutes & Reports CGAI 1979-1982, Roger Hedlund
Proceedings of Roger Hedlund: Minutes & Reports CGAI 1983-1984, Roger Hedlund
Proceedings of Roger Hedlund: Minutes & Reports CGRC-CGAI 1985-1986, Roger Hedlund
Proceedings of Roger Hedlund: Minutes & Reports CGRC-CGAI 1989, Roger Hedlund
Procession from hospital to Clara Swain chapel
Proclamation of the word, Larry Goodpaster
Prophecies Fulfilled and Fulfilling: Lectures on Prophecy, Henry Clay Morrison
Purpose and passion, Adam Hamilton
Purpose and passion, Adam Hamilton
Purpose and passion, Adam Hamilton
"Realeasing a Staff Member the Right Way", Don Reiland
Reasoning with Unbelievers and the Place of the Scripture in Tertullian's Apology, Paul Livermore
Reclaiming ECWA believers' identity and sense of belonging in Christ: a problem of Christian identity, Emmanuel Datiyong Akanet
Redaction Criticism - NT520, Bob Mulholland
Redesigning Missiological Education for the Twenty- First Century: International Joint Degrees in Development Studies and Missiology Through Institutional Partnerships in the Americas, Kevin Book-Satterlee
Reflections on Sabbatical, Steve Moore
Relationship of structural change to church growth of London First UMC, Earl Wade Arp
Religion and fishing (October 11, 2005), Jeffrey E. Greenway
Reminiscences, William Yost
Renewed in the Image of God, part 1, Dennis Kinlaw
Renewed in the Image of God, part 2, Dennis Kinlaw
Renewing a passion for ministry : a retreat mode, John D. Scott
Resurrection preaching, William H. Willimon
Returning in the power of the Holy Spirit, J. Steven Harper
"Revised American Standards: Part 1", Joy Moore
"Revised American Standards: Part 1", Joy Moore
"Revised American Standards: Part 4", Joy Moore
"Revised American Standards: Part 4", Joy Moore
Richer than you think, J. Ellsworth Kalas
Risk-taking leadership, Dennis Ralph Oetting
Risk taking mission, Thomas Kemper
Romans 1:1-1:28, Codex Vaticanus B
Rose Schiwid and Ethel Wagner, 1957
Salt and light: best ministry practices for community impact by Tanzanian churches, Geoffrey Peter Majule
Salvation means creation healed, Howard A. Snyder
Sanctification in Romans chapter six, Raymond Larry Shelton
Scholars on fire (August 29, 2012), Timothy C. Tennent
Scholars on fire (February 6, 2013), Timothy C. Tennent
Science founded on the Exaltation of Christ, Kevin Scott
Science founded on the Incarnation of Christ, Kevin Scott
Science founded on the Resurrection of Christ, Kevin Scott
Second national Philippine Ashram, Los Banos, Laguna May15-19, 1964
Seeing is believing, Jeffrey E. Greenway
Seeing only Jesus - the triple figuration, Timothy Tennent
See what God is doing - be amazed and participate, W Jay Moon
Self-expressed reasons why unchurched persons in a rural Appalachian community do not participate in local churches, Robert Gail Stoddard
Serving God's purpose in our generation, Prabhu Singh
Sharing as a community, Asbury Theological Seminary
Sharing Ministry Together, Dale Galloway
"Sharpening Our Wesleyan Distinctives", David L. McKenna
Sign announcing ESJ's visit to Kyoto Fukko, Japan
"Si tan sĆ³lo supieran": Preparando a los misioneros transculturales para el servicio en LationamĆ©rica, Rachel L. Coleman
Small church revitalization within the central Florida district of the Church of the Nazarene, George E. Sloan Jr.
Sociorhetorical Interpretation (SRI) and Inductive Bible Study (IBS): Outlines of Mark, The Lordās Prayer, and The Sonās Prayer in John 17, Vernon K. Robbins
Some ABC's of Ministry, Tom Harrison
Some Chapters of My Life Story, Henry Clay Morrison
Soul Care: Deliverance and Renewal through the Christian Life, Kenneth J. Collins
Speak up! Sing out!, Gennifer Brooks
Spirit of Truth, David L. McKenna
Spiritual formation in theological education utilizing classical spiritual disciplines, Dwayne G. Ratzlaff
Spiritual gifts in the local church: training the nominating committee to choose leaders on the basis of their spiritual gifts, Lewis C. Holland
Staffing with clergy teams in the United Methodist Church, J. David Panther
Staff of Nur Mazil Psychiatric Center
"Standard Sermons"- History For History's Sake, Denominational Manifesto, Doctrinal "Standard.", David H. Tripp
Stanley Mathews, grandson of ESJ as a toddler, 1953
Starting well : the development of a covenant for pastoral leadership, Calvin J. Havens III
Staying power : pastoral tenure in church planting, Stan R. Buck
Stdent testimonies/ Melissa Maher and Luke Syfert, Melissa Maher and Luke Syfert
S.T.I. 1988 - Tape 8, Darrell Whiteman
S.T.I. 1988 - Tape 9, Darrell Whiteman
St. Paul and social psychology : an introduction to theEpistle to the Ephesian, Frank Russell Barry
Strangers welcoming strangers, Christine D. Pohl
Strategies for developing young leaders through effective mentoring relationships within the Bethel Church of Liberia, Jacob Meiporkoyah
Street meeting gathered around George B. Ellis as he sings and preaches
Street meeting gathered around George B. Ellis as he sings and preaches (back)
Student Leadership Team (September 13, 2005), Dale Williams
Student of Leonard Theological College, Jabalpur, 1963
Students and teachers of the Anglo Indonesia Institute, Surabaya, Indonesia, 17 August 1949
Students and their family at Leonard Theological College, Jabalpur, India
Study using spiritual ideas of forgiveness in Christian ministry to an ethnic congregation, Jong Mok Lee
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: 1st & 2nd UBS Missions Conferences 1977-1978, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: Academic Papers on Indo-Asia Missiology, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: AETEI MTh Program, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: AICOME 1988, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: AIGORS - Rev PN Naidu, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: All India Conference on Mission Evangelization 1977, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: Anthropology for Christian Workers Seminar, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: Asia Leadership Conference, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: Asia Leadership Conference 1993, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: Bangalore Conference 1987, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: Bangalore Hindu Evangelism, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: Bangladesh Conference 1990, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: Baptists in India, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: Baptists in India 1980-1982, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: Baptists in India 1983, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: Baptists in India 1984-1985, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: Carmalaram Spiritual Life & Witness Conference 1988, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: CBFMS 50th Anniversary 1993, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: CBMTM 1994, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: CBMTM 1995, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: CBTIM 1993, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: CBTM 1996, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: CGAI Board, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: CGAI Budget and Business 1979-1980, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: CGAI Budget and Business 1981, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: CGAI Budget and Business 1983-1984, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: CGAI Budget and Business 1989, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: CGAI Budget and Business Jan-June 1982, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: CGAI Budget and Business July-Dec 1982, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: CGAI-CGRC Proposals and Reports 1990-1991, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: CGAI-CGRC Proposals and Reports 1992-1994, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: CGRC-CGAI Constitutional Revision and Institutional Membership, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: CGRC-CGAI Tribal Symposium, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: CGRC Library, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: CGRC Research, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: Church Growth Activities in India 1974-1975, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: Church Growth Activities in India 1976-1978, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: Conferences 1981, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: Conferences 1982, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: Conversions in India, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: Coonoor Summer Session I 1987, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: Coonoor Summer Session II 1987, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: Creative Ministry Papers, Roger Hedlund
Subject file of Roger Hedlund: Dr McGavran Tributes and Memorials, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: Emmanuel Methodist Church, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: Fuller School of World Missions, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: Gurukul Lutheran Theological College, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: Hindu Evangelization Conference 1990, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: Hindu Evangelization Conference 1991, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: Hyderabad Research, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: ICIE Amsterdam 1986, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: India Studies, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: Indigenous Missions, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: Kotagiri 1988, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: Legal Matters, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: Maruteru Conference 1988, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: Merry Lilian, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: Mission 2000 Planning Conference, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: Missions Conference 1986-1987, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: Prayer Cells, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: Public Relations, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: Pure Conference 1988, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: Pure II 1988, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: Religious Pluralism Symposium - Book 1990, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: Reports 1985-1988, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: Research and Researchers, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: Satnami Book, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: Sat Tal Conference 1989, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: Sat Tal Conferences 1988, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: Serampore College, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: Student Training in Mission, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: Travel 1979-1984, Roger Hedlund
Subject File of Roger Hedlund: Union of Evangelical Students of India, Roger Hedlund
Sustaining effective spiritual leadership through spiritual formation practice and self-care among United Methodist ordinands in the Rocky Mountain conference, Jane Youtz Riecke
"Talkback Session", N. T. Wright
Taming technology: harnessing the power of computers in the ministry of the church, C. Milton Lowe
Team designed indigenous Generation X worship in a new church plant, Vance Clifton Rains
Tell all the truth, but tell it slant, James Howell
Tell me the stories: a curriculum for confirmation, Matthew Christopher Atha
Testimonies, Isaiah Allen and Debbie Endean
The Adamic backdrop of Romans 7, Robert Brian Kidwell
The Age of the Ages, J. Prescott Johnson
The Aldersgate Experience, David McKenna
The anointed pulpit, Don Allen McGregor
The Bible in Theology and Preaching, C.K. Barrett
The Book of Hosea as Visionary Prophecy: A Search for Genre, Laura Barge
The Book of public prayers and services for the use of the people called Methodist, Wesleyan Methodist Church
The Boundaries of grace, Timothy C. Tennent
"The Bread of Life" Orientation Chapel, Robert Mulholland
The challenges affecting biblically based reconciliation after 2007 post-election violence in Kenya: a case study of eight christian adults directly affected by 2007 post-election violence, Matthews Kalola Mwalw'a
The communication of biblical truth through contemporary sermon stories, Neal R. Sadler
The Deuteronomists as Loyal Opposition, Joel H. Hunt
The development of a prayer ministry group in a local church for baby boomers, Richard G. Calhoun
The echo boom: developing effective ministry to reach a new generation in the Arkanasas area of the United Methodist Church, Lyndol L. Loyd
The effectiveness of visual images: preaching in post modern and post-Christian ministry context, Eneyas Da Silva Freitas
The Effect of Christian spiritual formation on well-being and stress/burnout levels of hospital managers, Jack Patton Sills
The effect of the Healthy Church Initiative on participating congregations of the Missionary Church, Larry R. Salsburey
"Thee" final exams, Doug Matthews
The Ethics of Jerusalem and the Morals of Anthens: Assessing Hans Kung's Theological Ethics, Ken Brewer
The evaluation of the inductive sermon structure on the spiritual formation of a United Methodist congregation, Brian Clay Jones
The future of South American church leadership: images, behaviors, and competencies, David Eduardo Ramirez Sanz
The girl-child in Latin America: a case study analysis of gender-sensitive theories and practices operating within five children's mission projects, Desiree Segura-April
The God who became small and hidden, John David Walt
The Great Commission, Alan Meenan
The Great Commission Revisited, Graham Cray
The Guide to Christian perfection v. 4, T. Merritt and D. S. King
The Imago Dei, Ben Witherington III
The impact of a spiritual leadership program based on spiritual disciplines on leadership competencies, Shih-Minh Kow
The impact of a Wesleyan model of spiritual formation on the lay leadership activity of a United Methodist congregation, Daniel Frederick Slagle
The impact of Biblical preaching on the growth of the evangelical church in Kenya, Festus Kilonzo Kavale
The impact of biblical preaching on the life of the religious seeker, Daniel John Huckins
The Impact of mentoring on pastoral development in the Church of God (Anderson), Craig Fred Frank
The impact of multisensory components in worship, Steven Carl Trewartha
The Impact of spiritual formation on church growth among United Methodist elders in West Virginia, David Dwight Spence
The impact of the alpha course on leaders' attitudes toward evangelism in a local congregation, Jack Allan Shields
The importance of doubting our "doubts", Harry Emerson Fosdick
The insanity of Nebuchadnezzar, Lawson Stone
The integrated small group : Bible study, community, ministry, and mission, Joleen A. Willis
The integrated small group : Bible study, community, ministry, and mission, Joleen A. Willis
The integration of faith at work: a contextualized Bible study with "Christians at Telekom", Andrea Isa Baare
Theistic Belief and Positive Epistemic Status: A Comparison of Alvin Plantinga and William James, David Baggett
The long-distance friendship quadrilateral, Jamie Thigpen
The Lord's banquet on the world's table, Robert J. Stamps
The love of learnig and desire for God, Michael Pasquarello III
The Making of Jiaozi, Nam Koh
The Master Plan of Evangelism, Robert Emerson Coleman, David Glass, and Roger Cuse
The Master Plan of Evangelism, Steve Rankin and Lyle Dorsett
The Master Plan of Evangelism, Jane Goleman and Robert Emerson Coleman
The Message and the Mission, Tom Nees
Them that are without: a biblical theology of outsiders and preaching on outsiders in Churches of Christ, Van E. Robarts
The nature and status of ministry practices of the Pentecostal Evangelistic Fellowship of Africa, Ronald P. Westbury
The nominations and personnel committee as a tool for laity activation within United Methodist congregations of the Alabama-West Florida conference, Charles Ray Smith
The Ongoing Decline Of British And American Methodism: A Modernistic Saga, Kenneth J. Collins
The oracle of the wicked, Timothy Tennent
The ordinances : baptism, feet washing, and the Lord'sSupper, John Winebrenner
The other side of glory, Robert Stamps
The Pedagogy of Hip Hop in Teaching Missiology: Exploring A Project Based Learning Environment using Elements of Hip Hop Culture as The Curriculum, Daniel White Hodge
The pedagogy of proclamation: homiletical training among pastoral interns in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Paul Mark Cross
The perspectives of students and theological educators on good teaching: a look at theological education in Indonesia, Daniel Ronda
The portrait of the prodigal : life studies in the experiences of the prodigal son, Joseph N. Greene
The Power And Poverty Of Science, Stanley L. Jaki
The prayer practices of pastors, James Arthur Bradshaw
The preaching method that will best speak to a postmodern generation in Appalachia, Kenneth D. Toler
The relationality of the Holy One of Israel in the book of Isaiah, Tony T.K. Chen
The relation between sexual behavior and reported well-being of single adult Christians, Peter T. Legner
The relationship between church health and church growth in United Methodist churches in the West Ohio Annual Conference, Brian Allen Law
The relationship between members' perceptions of self, the church, and their listening skills, James R. Stewart
The relationship of spiritual disciplines on commitment keeping in the post-camping experience, Brian Thomas Rainwater
The rhetorical approach to 1 Thessalonians in light of funeral oration, Jae Kyung Cho
"The Right Use of the Appropriate Means": The Debate Over Strategy and Goals Among Nineteenth-Century Evangel Reformers, Douglas M. Strong
The risen Christ and the witness of all the saints, Timothy C. Tennent
The risen Christ, in the midst of our mess, Robert Stamps
The role of preaching in establishing and implementing a healing ministry in the Lakeview Free Methodist church of Seattle, Washington, Matthew Henry Whitehead
The role of Robert Alexander Hardie in the Korean great revival and the subsequent development of Korean Protestant Christianity, Chil-Sung Kim
"The Sermon You Hate to Preach", David McKenna
The social teaching of St Paul, W. Edward Chadwick
The son-father relationship and christological symbolism in the gospel of John, Adesola Akala
The strategy of Feed My Lamb Ministries: developing servant leadership, Sunil Kumar Samuel
The Sunday service of the Methodists : with other occasional services, John Wesley
Theta Phi banquet, Mark Allan Powell
"Theta Phi Banquet", David McKenna
The Two Lawyers: A Story for the Times, Henry Clay Morrison
The use of forgiveness in high-conflict divorce : a study of a psycho-educational approach to increasing forgiveness and coparenting, Ernest William Reilly
The use of support systems by pastors of the International Pentecostal Holiness Church as a means of maintaining spiritual well-being and coping with burnout, Ervin L. Shirey Jr.
The Vital Role of the Laity in Revitalization: A Case Study of MisiĆ³n Cristiana Elim, Robert Danielson and Mario Vega
The Wagner Family in Indian dress
The way home, John Oswalt and Andrew Oswalt
The Way of the Cross, David L. Thompson
The Wesleyan doctrine of Christian assurance and psychological type, Greg Burgner
The Word our Authority, David L. McKenna
The writing of a play based on the book of Job: the passion of Job, Patricia B. Looper
They will cast out demons: how Christian exorcism is practiced in North America, Michael David Mohr
This is my story, Dana Beasley Brown
This is not the end, but where we begin, Corbet May
Thoughts of the spiritual, Arthur Chambers
Through a side door, Steve Harper
Through the lens of photography : a missiological study of Liberian culture and identity from the other side, Gabriel Bernard Tait
Tis mercy all, Matt Russell
Toward a servant leadership oriented ministry model, William Lee Strawhun Jr.
Towards a definition of Biblical preaching for the year 2000: an historical approach, Larry Glenn Teasley
Training American-born Chinese pastors to minister in a predominantly Chinese bicultural church, Fee Kee Tow
Training in behaviors and styles of listening as preparation for leadership in vocational ministry, Cliff D. Sanders
Transformative learning for transformational leadership: an evaluation of the International Leadership Institute training program, Norival Trindade Jr.
Transformative Learning versus Informative Learning in Facilitating Mission Studies, Glory E. Dharmaraj
Transforming Teaching for Mission: Educational Theory and Practice: The 2014 Proceedings of the Association of Professors of Missions, Robert A. Danielson and Benjamin L. Hartley
"Transitioning in the Local Church Part 1", Mike Breaux
Transitioning in the Local Church Part 2, Mike Breaux
"Transitioning in the Local Church Part 4", Mike Breaux
Treasure principle, Dale Ditto
Trinitarian' Pneumatology in the New Testament? -Towards an Explanation of the Worship of Jesus, Max Turner
Trinitarian preaching, William H. Willimon
Truth In Wittgenstein, Truth In Lindbeck, Craig Hovey
Tuesday morning worship service, Stacy R. Minger
Turnaround United Methodist churches in the California-Nevada Annual Conference, David Lewis Samelson
Turning heritage into hope: strategies for a midlife denomination, Kenneth John Driedger
Twain Heights: Spirit and Word in Biblical Prophesying, Stanley D. Walters
Twenty-somethings in the church: the impact of a biblical worldview study, Debbie Norris Lanier
Unity in the body of Christ: a study of the racial unification of the Church of God in Virginia, Stephen Gene McMurray
Using the Jesus narrative for discipleship, Christopher T. Heckaman
Verbal valency in Biblical Hebrew : an analysis of the valency of `br, James Douglas Wilson
View of the doctor's office and garden in the Nur Manzil Psychiatric Center
Wednesday morning worship, Stacy R. Minger
Wednesday morning worship, Stacy R. Minger
Welcome & Worship, Wayne Burt and Steve Martyn
Wesleyan theology for the 21st century, J. Steven O'Malley
Wesleyan theology for the 21st century, J. Steven O'Malley
Wesleyan theology for the 21st century, J. Steven O'Malley
Wesley lamp with image of Jesus on lamp shade "The Light of the World"
Wesley's doctrinal standards: Part I--the sermons with introductions, analysis, and notes, John Wesley and N. Burwash
Wesley's theology of grace as the integrative principle of pastoral care, James H. Lowry Jr.
What maks the good news good?, David Thompson
What's eating you?, Lawson Grant Stone
When you speak of God, do you think of God as a man or a woman?: inclusive language and God's concept, David Lawrence Fisher
Who am I?, Jim Hampton
Who am I?, Chris Kiesling
Who am I?, Chris Kiesling
Who am I?, Chris Kiesling
Who are we?, Tory K. Baucum
Who we were meant to be : communicating core values to All Saints Presbyterian Church in Singapore, Philip Jin Teck Huan
Why Doesn't God Make His Existence More Obvious?, Kevin Kinghorn
Why we believe in God, Harry Emerson Fosdick
Will you open the doors?, Robert M. Mulholland
World AIDS Day, Thomas Muhomba
Worship, Marva Dawn
Worship change to reach non-Christians in traditional Danish evangelical free churches, Christian Alsted Nielsen
"WORSHIP Session", Michael Slaughter
YMI 2 General Session - Duffy Robbins, Duffy Robbins
YMI 2 General Session - Jay Kesler, Jay Kesler
YMI 2 General Session - Jay Kesler (2), Jay Kesler
YMI 2 General Session - Mark Rutland, Mark Rutland
YMI General Session - Buster Soaries, Buster Soaries
You must die, Timothy C. Tennent
Young boys posing next to the sign announcing ESJ's visit at Kyoto Fukko
Young male student of Leonard Theological College, Jabalpur, 1963
Your next move: planning for clergy transitions, Robert Alfred Kaylor
Youth Minister's Conference, N A
Zulu boy near Manda Mission Station - Description
Zulu boy near Manda Mission Station (Photo taken by Karlton Johnson of Johannesburg)