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The following specifics are required of each student: 1. Choose a job situation for which you would like to receive an interview. Describe this job opportunity in a short paragraph. This description will help those who will interview you to represent that type of job and the situation where it might be found. Here is your chance to “dream” about the job you would like. 2. Prepare a personal resume`. This is to be prepared in a professional manner. 3. Prepare a cover letter to go with your resume` that is written “To Whom It May Concern,” to be sent to your fictitious job setting. This is to be prepared in a professional manner, with correct letter style, and briefly stating your interest in the job you described elsewhere. 4. Prepare for this interview by reviewing your training, your strengths, your “growing edge,” and your developing understanding of your counseling model and how you integrate theories and techniques with your personal experiences and faith journey. You will be expected to know theories, counseling process, and other areas from your training and how they might be used in the setting that you have picked for this interview. 5. Each student will be assigned to write a letter of reference for another student. Include in your reference letter the kind of information that is pertinent to the person’s job interest. If you do not know the person you are to write a reference letter for, you may need to talk with the person to get better acquainted.

Publication Date

January 2001


Asbury Theological Seminary


PM750, Kentucky, Fall, Pastoral



PM 750 Parish/Counseling Senior
